We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
Benjamin Franklin
I see in the WWW the results of an EWTN survey on Catholic voters in the US:
‘But Trump trails in all head-to-head matchups against Democratic candidates, by as much as 11 percent (vs. Biden, 51-40) …
The poll’s findings expose a widening gap among Catholics based on devotion. From the EWTN analysis: “When it comes to foundational Church teaching, the active or devout Catholics are increasingly at odds with their fellow Catholics, to the point that there are virtually two Catholic communities in the country. ‘
As an Irish person I should not need to tell US Catholics about loyalty – we should support our own. Many Catholics in good conscience will vote Democrat and should not be vilified by their fellow-Catholics. I see in CAF many posts attacking Mr Biden and his supporters. Then some wonder why people leave the Church. Are they rather chased out?
I also see accusations about criminal activities within Biden’s family, yet in Ireland we have the presumption of innocence and the right of people to their good name. None of us can judge the state of another’s soul.
Do others in CAF believe one is free in conscience to support the Democrats and Mr Biden, as many will? Ordinary Americans will realize that the interests of multi-millionaires and billionaires may differ from theirs.
Catholics should stay together and feel free to obey their own consciences, not those of others.
Subscribers to CAF should support the freedom, integrity and intelligence of their co-coreligionists, and vote for whom they think is the better person for themselves, the US and the world.
Benjamin Franklin
I see in the WWW the results of an EWTN survey on Catholic voters in the US:
‘But Trump trails in all head-to-head matchups against Democratic candidates, by as much as 11 percent (vs. Biden, 51-40) …
The poll’s findings expose a widening gap among Catholics based on devotion. From the EWTN analysis: “When it comes to foundational Church teaching, the active or devout Catholics are increasingly at odds with their fellow Catholics, to the point that there are virtually two Catholic communities in the country. ‘
As an Irish person I should not need to tell US Catholics about loyalty – we should support our own. Many Catholics in good conscience will vote Democrat and should not be vilified by their fellow-Catholics. I see in CAF many posts attacking Mr Biden and his supporters. Then some wonder why people leave the Church. Are they rather chased out?
I also see accusations about criminal activities within Biden’s family, yet in Ireland we have the presumption of innocence and the right of people to their good name. None of us can judge the state of another’s soul.
Do others in CAF believe one is free in conscience to support the Democrats and Mr Biden, as many will? Ordinary Americans will realize that the interests of multi-millionaires and billionaires may differ from theirs.
Catholics should stay together and feel free to obey their own consciences, not those of others.
Subscribers to CAF should support the freedom, integrity and intelligence of their co-coreligionists, and vote for whom they think is the better person for themselves, the US and the world.