A common Protestant view (especially in the US) is to divorce faith and religion. To a Catholic, this sounds ludicrous. The idea is that, once a person knows God and has accepted Jesus as their personal savior, no further religion (i.e. rites, sacramentals, blessings, etc) is necessary for salvation. These things are not usually condemned by most Protestants, as even they have services, but the general feeling ends up being “if you don’t need it, why bother?”.
In addition, many Protestants feel that rubrics (especially of the Catholic variety) confuse something that should be very simple. “If we love God and God loves us and we are saved, what does it matter if we don’t eat meat on Fridays?”. The problem with this thinking is that while God is infinitely simple (“I Am who Am”), He is also infinitely complex, and the only way for the human mind to begin to comprehend Him is through serious study of religion.