The shortage of priests isn’t the only vocation crisis.
Whether or not Catholics “know” this, many of them don’t follow the moral teaching anyway. Anyone who’s been single recently or on a Catholic dating site knows there is a large amount of Catholic singles who openly say they reject the Church’s teaching on contraception or pre-marital sex or even other Church dogmas.Catholic couples with even limited exposure to Catholic media know that contraception is wrong, that the potential spouse needs to be a different gender for the marriage to be valid, and that they should wait until marriage to engage in sexual relations.
Isn’t there anything that can be done though(with God’s Grace and Will of course). For instance,if enough of us laity talk to our clergy and write letters to our bishops about this. Perhaps something can be done-Dioceses could end up setting up year long marriage preparation programs that emphasize the role of marriage in bringing up children in the Faith,natural family planning,the Church’s position on divorce and contraception and information about annulments.And realistically, that isn’t going to change.
Between the media and social media as well as many surveys done world over in preparation for the synod the clergy and bishops are aware of the marriage crisis.Isn’t there anything that can be done though(with God’s Grace and Will of course). For instance,if enough of us laity talk to our clergy and write letters to our bishops about this. Perhaps something can be done-Dioceses could end up setting up year long marriage preparation programs that emphasize the role of marriage in bringing up children in the Faith,natural family planning,the Church’s position on divorce and contraception and information about annulments.