Wear a Catholic shirt to a Protestant church?

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I have a dilemma. I was invited by a good friend to help him with some audio equipment at his non-denom church service. Once I’m finished helping, I will then go to my Catholic church for mass shortly after. I’m a knight of Columbus member and serve at my church. I wear my shirt with the KofC logo and with my name on it.

My questions are…should I wear my KofC shirt at my friend’s non-denom church??

Can it be a good evangelism tool??

Can it be mis-interpreted boasting??

Can it be mis-interpreted as exalting myself??

To avoid all issues and fear of being ridiculed, should I just lay low and blend in…and be undetected as a Catholic??

You answers and advice is greatly appreciated.
do you really think anyone will notice or care whether the logo is relgious or just your country club or employer? do you read the logos on everyone’s shirt?
Wear your K of C shirt. So long as you are not pointing to the logo nor lighting it up to draw everyone’s eye it couldn’t be considered “bragging” or “argumentative” by any reasonable person.
If they were truly literally “non-denom”, they would welcome any expression of Catholicism. 😃

Sadly “non-denominational” is often used as a cowardly euphemism for “we’ve invented a new protestant denomination and we refuse to give a name to it, but we welcome all Christians to convert from their current church or denomination to ours”,
Hey Romulus!
The shirt itself is to keep you warm. Any message on the shirt is to relay a message to whomever sees it-that’s why it’s there. There is no problem whatsoever in you wearing what you want. Period.
That said, because it does have a “religious” reference to it, you should indeed be:

“always ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope" (1 Peter 3:15)

Meaning, be ready to be peppered with questions and maybe some attempts to undermine your faith by their sincere, but misuse of, specific Scripture verses. (“Just Christian”'s are famous for that.) If you feel you can handle that and do a good job in defending your faith with the armor and guidance of the Holy Spirit, then brother GO FOR IT! Definitely a good evangelism tool!
Being on someone else’s “turf”, it’s easy to overlook that the question is not:
¿So WHY are you Catholic?
The correct question is: WHY are THEY NOT? (But see 1Pete3 quote above!)

“Few Americans hate the Catholic Church, but millions hate what they think is the Catholic Church.” --Bishop Fulton Sheen

It is not at all boastful to wear your KofC shirt. It demonstrating an affiliation of yours. I’ll bet they have their own shirts!

You mention “fear of being ridiculed”. Everyone has this fear. True that non-Catholics may seem to have memorized more Scripture than Catholics but at the cost of the real meaning, just use it for verse-slinging, and conveniently skip other verses. It’s up to each Catholic person to come up to speed with Scripture, the Church and his own reasons for willingly choosing the Catholic Church over other “churches”.

You said you’d be helping out and “shortly after” you have Mass (i.e. a commitment at a certain time very close to your time of helping). Your “good friend” is of that non-denom faith and so it sounds like he can “stand” your Catholicism just fine! If you feel “backed into a wall” just let them know you’d like to stay a bit longer and discuss, but you have a prior commitment very shortly and you don’t have time right then to get into a long discussion. Ask them to write down whatever questions they have, give them to your friend, and you’ll send a reply when you can. That’ll show whether they’re serious or not about asking you questions - I’ll bet mostly to make you realize that since they have memorized more versus that you, it makes them look superior and by default, “right”. If they do give you a list, hey! You can post it here on catholic.com and we can all help out!

Have fun Jammin’ :harp: 4 Jesus!

“Are you Christian or Catholic?” For the record: “catholic” means “universal”. Catholics are the original universal Christians.
A study was published a few years back, sorry, I don’t have the cites, that hits on one part of this thread. Students were asked to wear a Barry Manilow tee shirt to class to get the reactions of college students. (This is no slam on Bary Manilow, but he isn’t at the top of the charts for many college-age students.)

When students returned from each class, they thought their peers had been staring at them because of the tee shirt. When the other students were polled, few had noticed the tee shirt.

I doubt many people at a non-denom church would notice and few of those would recognize the KC emblem.
I just was wondering if you should be there in the protestant church in the first place? Is there need for you to go everyweek?You are hepling your friend,I understand thatit is a good thing to do; but indirectly you are also helping the quality of music that is used to worship God in a manner that Christ did not establish.

Sure they are our separated brethren and not in the fullness of truth;but they are using your God given talents to attract new members.I used to buy items from the Salvation Army store until a priest said “don’t do it” you are supporting a false religion! The same reason not to buy Sanitarium Products supporting The 7th day Advent.religion.I use the same example for you ,I gave goods(money) and you give services! Something for you to think about when you change your shirt! God Bless.
I just was wondering if you should be there in the protestant church in the first place? Is there need for you to go everyweek?You are hepling your friend,I understand thatit is a good thing to do; but indirectly you are also helping the quality of music that is used to worship God in a manner that Christ did not establish.

Sure they are our separated brethren and not in the fullness of truth;but they are using your God given talents to attract new members.I used to buy items from the Salvation Army store until a priest said “don’t do it” you are supporting a false religion! The same reason not to buy Sanitarium Products supporting The 7th day Advent.religion.I use the same example for you ,I gave goods(money) and you give services! Something for you to think about when you change your shirt! God Bless.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. But this is as far as I know…a one time helping deal. Person who normally helps with the equipment is out of town.
do you really think anyone will notice or care whether the logo is relgious or just your country club or employer?
Well, it also says the name of the church in which the council resides in. The non-denom people may notice it or the ex-parishioners who are now non-denoms may notice it.
I have a dilemma. I was invited by a good friend to help him with some audio equipment at his non-denom church service. Once I’m finished helping, I will then go to my Catholic church for mass shortly after. I’m a knight of Columbus member and serve at my church. I wear my shirt with the KofC logo and with my name on it.
Just be ready to be invited to stay for THEIR service (not by your friend obviously, but you never know who else will be friendly and invite you). Regardless of what shirt you are wearing (I doubt anyone will even notice) - you need to be prepared with how to counter an invitation to stay with “thank you so much for the invitation, but I’m Catholic and I need to attend Mass today.” 😉

I just was wondering if you should be there in the protestant church in the first place? Is there need for you to go everyweek?You are hepling your friend,I understand thatit is a good thing to do; but indirectly you are also helping the quality of music that is used to worship God in a manner that Christ did not establish.

Sure they are our separated brethren and not in the fullness of truth;but they are using your God given talents to attract new members.I used to buy items from the Salvation Army store until a priest said “don’t do it” you are supporting a false religion! The same reason not to buy Sanitarium Products supporting The 7th day Advent.religion.I use the same example for you ,I gave goods(money) and you give services! Something for you to think about when you change your shirt! God Bless.
Good point Karo. Could this not be an opportunity allow my self to be used as a tool by God to evangelize these particular separated brethren??..especially since they used to be Catholic and possibly even went to the same parish I’m currently going to.

I know actions speak louder than words…would wearing a shirt with a logo be just speaking?? Or is it an action showing that I’m not ashamed of being Catholic?? Is it any different to any other Catholic that wears that wristband with images of the spiritual family??
I wear my shirt with the KofC logo and with my name on it.

My questions are…should I wear my KofC shirt at my friend’s non-denom church??
Most people will probably not take any notice, even if they see you up close.

Many of those who do notice will not recognize or understand the significance of the KofC logo.

Some of those who do notice and recognize the logo, if there are any, will probably be people who participate in pro-life work and have a positive view of the KofC. I have a non-denom Evangelical friend who would recognize a KofC logo immeditately-- and she’d be pleased to see you there.

It is theoretically possible that some people might see, understand, and be offended, but I think they would be few, and you’re definitely not wearing the shirt with the intention to cause offense.
A study was published a few years back, sorry, I don’t have the cites, that hits on one part of this thread. Students were asked to wear a Barry Manilow tee shirt to class to get the reactions of college students. (This is no slam on Bary Manilow, but he isn’t at the top of the charts for many college-age students.)

When students returned from each class, they thought their peers had been staring at them because of the tee shirt. When the other students were polled, few had noticed the tee shirt.

I doubt many people at a non-denom church would notice and few of those would recognize the KC emblem.
"Good point Karo. Could this not be an opportunity allow my self to be used as a tool by God to evangelize these particular separated brethren??..especially since they used to be Catholic and possibly even went to the same parish I’m currently going to.

I know actions speak louder than words…would wearing a shirt with a logo be just speaking?? Or is it an action showing that I’m not ashamed of being Catholic?? Is it any different to any other Catholic that wears that wristband with images of the spiritual family??" QUOTE by ROMULUS (& Remus-the founders of ancient Rome !!)

Yes that is always possible Romulus you are the best judge on that approach,perhaps having a larger miraculous medal visible attached to your shirt could help.Or a visible green scapular around your neck might also be a powerful tool especially if you say the prayers on them as well. I personally would not know what your logo meant–I thought it was a secret society–has this changed? It was a Catholic response to the Masonic secular secret society.

God Bless you in your zeal for the conversion of our separated christian bretheren.
If the shirt is noticed, I would say it is un-necessarly provacative in that situation. You’ve been invited into this church, specifically to help with audio equipment. You weren’t even invited to participate in the worship. I would keep your level of participation, in all sense at that level.

If people question you directly, perhaps trying to evangalize you then I would say “go nuts” (figurativly) defending the faith. Otherwise, I would be respectful of their rite to worship the way they do, even if it’s in error.
Just think if you would feel comfortable if your protestant friend wore a polo shirt with the name of his church or some other such logo to mass. If you’re cool with it than I would say there is no problem. IF you would not like him to do that, than there is no good reason for him to feel any differently about your attire. That said, when I’ve gone to mass with my brother and future S-I-L I do wear a small Luther Rose lapel pin.
=Romulus;6316115]I have a dilemma. I was invited by a good friend to help him with some audio equipment at his non-denom church service. Once I’m finished helping, I will then go to my Catholic church for mass shortly after. I’m a knight of Columbus member and serve at my church. I wear my shirt with the KofC logo and with my name on it.
My questions are…should I wear my KofC shirt at my friend’s non-denom church??
Can it be a good evangelism tool??
Can it be mis-interpreted boasting??
Can it be mis-interpreted as exalting myself??
To avoid all issues and fear of being ridiculed, should I just lay low and blend in…and be undetected as a Catholic??
You answers and advice is greatly appreciated.
***Wear it ONLY IF:

With absolute charity you can explain and defend our beliefs and practices in a manner that conform to the Teachings of the CC.

If there are any doubts do NOT do it.

On the other hand DO NOT GO OUT OF YOUR WAY to deny that you are a Catholic. Proudly admit it. If asked questions you don’t know, don’t pretend that you do. Tell them you will get them an answer to there question then do it:)

Love and prayers,
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