Ann Cheryl:
The U.S. bishops’ Secretariat for ProLife Activities and the National
Committee for a Human Life Amendment have launched a powerful new tool
in the fight to end abortion–A new website
Cathy Ruse who is Director of Planning for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities says
We’ve been trying to so that on ** Fr. Pavone on the Supreme Court Vacancy**
I believe that our best chance was to strike early with personal e-mails and phone calls and then to send reminders as this progressed.
I had very much wanted to “Steal the March” on the forrces of death who had a phone room and rapid responders as early as last Monday.
In the light of the above, and of the effort from Catholic Answers Forum Members over the last 11 days, I would have to say the Bishops’ entry is just too little, too late and doesn’t ask enough of the participants as far as PERSONALLY contacting their representatives and others who would have an impact.
You see, there are about 43 solid Republicans who are going to support the President’s Nominee so long as that Nominee is a Pro-Life "Originist or “Strict-Constructionistr” who would us the plain meaning of the Constitution to OVERTURN Roe v. Wade.
There are about 38 Democrats who will FILIBUSTER/OPPOSE ANY of the Nominees mentioned above as they will be opposed by the Pro-Abortion groups who provide most of the activists and the cash their campaigns rely on.
That leaves some 25 Senators in the middle, of whom 14 were involved in the recent Senate “Compromise” (7 DEMOCRATS & 7 REPUBLICANS) and another 5 Republicans who seemed to agree with the Democrats who have to be concentrated on in this fight.
The only purpose of sending the e-mails to the 43 Republicans is to thank them for their support. The only purpose for sending e-mails to the 38 Democrats is to remind them that they don’t represent you.
The odds are that we will change NONE of the minds or the votes in either 2 camps, esp/. so long as the Bishops in this Country are unwilling to enforce the Sentence of Excommunication against those politicians who polibly support policies which contracdict the clear teaching of the Church on Human Morality.
But, we might be able to influence the votes and questions of some of the following:
Lincoln Chaffee (R - Rhode Island)
Susan Collins (R - Maine)
Mike DeWine (R - Ohio)
Lindsey Graham (R - South Carolina)
John McCain (R - Arizona)
Olympia Snowe (R - Maine)
John Warner (R- Virginia)
Republicans to Check On (“Moderate Republicans”):
Lamar Alexander of Tennesee
Chuck Hagel of Nebraska
Arlen Spectre or Pennsylvania
John Sununu of New Hampshire
George Voinovich of Ohio (Start with this guy)
Robert Byrd of West Virginia
Daniel Inouye of Hawaii
Mary Landrieu of Louisiana
Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut
Ben Nelson of Nebraska
Mark Pryor of Arkansas
Ken Salazar of Colorado
Their Information is here: (for the Republicans) and
Senators of the 109th Congress - Contact Information
E-mailing these 17 will be far more effective than the Bisjhop’s Campaign, esp. if you call them and fax them, and them follow-up in a couple of weeks.
And, there’s a Petition here:
Replace Sandra Day O’Conner with a Pro-Life Justice
Meanwhile, do this now, as this is the “Catholic Answers Forum MEMBERS’ On-Line Petition” and could REALLY USE SOME SIGNATURES (PLEASE…from the author!)
Otherwise, we really need to concentrate our efforts and to make sure the Senators understand that this issue matters to all of us personally, and that we will remember how they vote and how they treat a Pro-Life Nominee.
That’s all we can do, but we have to do it NOW, because Chief Justice Reinquist has also decided to step down.
Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent, Michael