Wedding during lent

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would it be inappropriate for a wedding to be during lent or should it be rescheduled?
It’s fine. Although a penetantal season, there are still joyous things that happen in lent, babies are born, flowers bloom, etc. If that is the best time for you to be married, don’t worry about it.

My aunt had to schedule a Friday wedding in lent, and recieved a dispensation to serve meat.
It is my understanding that a Catholic is forbidden from marrying during a penitential season, i.e. Advent or Lent.
It is my understanding that a Catholic is forbidden from marrying during a penitential season, i.e. Advent or Lent.
I’m getting married March 11th and my parish has no problems with it.
It is my understanding that a Catholic is forbidden from marrying during a penitential season, i.e. Advent or Lent.
I had never heard this, but there are many things we are not taught today. 😦

I’d check with ask an apologist" to be sure.
Yes, I would “ask an apologist.” I searched the forums on this topic and couldn’t find an answer, so I googled “catholic marriage lent.” What I found was more a discouragement than actual forbiddance, and a couple of websites mentioned that one must take the liturgical season into account if one marries during Lent. They gave the example of having very few or no flowers.
I was married during lent last year, March 5, 2005. It was difficult to choose that date because we did need special permission from the church where we had the ceremony, which happened to be a Cathedral. From what I knew, we were the only wedding during Lent there… because it was the only time we could get married without having to wait an additional 2-3 years. I have heard of many other couples getting married in their parish churches during lent without a problem, as long as you do recognize that your anniversary will likely be during this time every year. The best thing to do is to talk to your priest about it to figure out what is best for you.

Oh! and yes… we were not allowed to have any flowers in the church. This ended up not being a problem for me because not only was the church beautiful on its own, but it also cut down on cost.
I was married during advent, my best friend during lent. It is perfectly acceptable, enjoy the wedding and congratulations!
It is my understanding that a Catholic is forbidden from marrying during a penitential season, i.e. Advent or Lent.
Now the flowers part is true, we were asked not to overly decorate and simple flowers and pew bows.
Yes, I would “ask an apologist.” I searched the forums on this topic and couldn’t find an answer, so I googled “catholic marriage lent.” What I found was more a discouragement than actual forbiddance, and a couple of websites mentioned that one must take the liturgical season into account if one marries during Lent. They gave the example of having very few or no flowers.
The priest at my mom’s church won’t marry anyone during lent. Two years ago he refused to marry a family friend during lent–she moved her wedding to the Catholic church her mom attends instead.
**“Date (season)
**There are no legal restrictions on when the Rite of Marriage may be celebrated, with the exception of the Triduum, as long as the various guidelines specific to the particular parish are respected. When the Rite of Marriage includes a Mass there are limitations as to dates and readings. Few parishes celebrate weddings on Sundays, but a few policies encourage couples to consider integrating their wedding into the regularly scheduled Sunday Mass to more fully express the support of the parish community (See, for example, Gary, Sioux City, Kansas City/St. Joseph, and Louisville). When a wedding coincides with a major feast the readings for that feast must be respected. Weddings during penitential seasons must respect the church tone and décor appropriate for the season.”

Our own parish does not allow Lenten weddings nor Sunday weddings and neither do the surrounding parishes in our immediate vicinity.
Now the flowers part is true, we were asked not to overly decorate and simple flowers and pew bows.
My sister got married during Lent too. The priest asked for “no colour decoration” meaning only white flowers/bows etc. I was one of the bridesmaids and we wore a deep shade of purple to match the season.

I think it’s a local or diocesan thing. I know that when we were picking out our date, it was made very clear that our parish does not schedule weddings during Advent or Lent. So we chose a Saturday during the Easter season, and took advantage of the flowers already in the church. 🙂
Well, I remember reading in the Baltimore Catechism, that it is allowed, just so long as it’s not a lavish one.
I see the apologist already gave you the go-ahead.

I know several people who married during Lent. This happens a lot to couples where one or both are military, as the time to “come home and do it” happens to be Lent.

The objective is to keep it simple. “Simple” does not mean barren, ugly, or non-musical. It means if you’re planning a go-for-the-gusto wedding with fourteen bridesmaids in matching bright pink, every flower known to man and a few that have just been discovered decorating the church and reception, a portable waterfall streaming champagne at the reception with a whatever one wants menu and a 40 piece orchestra, wait until after Easter.
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