I have a friend who has struggled with drug/alcohol use and has been to rehab. He is still working things out and I was giving him a ride home the other day. We drove by a dispensary (recreational marijuana is legal here) and he asked me if he could stop to pick some weed up, which he smokes occasionally when he gets cravings for the hard drugs he gave up. I told him I don’t support him smoking weed but took him to the dispensary anyway. and I know Catholicism teaches using marijuana to get high is sinful even if legal, but am I responsible for his sins because I took him there? Honestly, I know if he is with me he wont be doing hard drugs or abusing alcohol and he would have just gone on his own so I want to brush it off, but I also dont want him to think I’m okay with it just because I took him and I dont want to be the cause of his own sin. Thanks