Please review the forum descriptions before deciding in which to begin your thread.
[forum=4]Ask an Apologist[/forum] - get expert answers to questions on Catholicism - read [thread=4]this[/thread] first
[forum=3]Karl Keating’s E-Letter[/forum] - react to it here, pro or con
[forum=51]Radio[/forum] - offer feedback or discuss Catholic Answers Live
[forum=63]This Rock[/forum] - talk about articles in CA’s magazine
[forum=62]New Projects[/forum] - be informed about upcoming CA endeavors
[forum=20]Apologetics[/forum] - learn to respond to questions about and challenges to your Faith, including effective presentation techniques, examine historical controversies
[forum=30]Sacred Scripture[/forum] - discuss the Bible, including translational issues and exegisis
[forum=31]Moral Theology[/forum] - explore moral implications and ramifications of Church doctrine and dilemmas affecting you and find the answer to the question, “Is this a sin?”
[forum=108]Social Justice[/forum] - dialogue about Church teaching with societal implications, pro-life/pro-choice issues, just war doctrine, human rights
[forum=102]Traditional Catholicism[/forum] - talk about the Traditional Latin Mass, the Indult, SSPX, sedevacantism
[forum=50]Eastern Christianity[/forum] - learn the history, spirituality, and practices of Eastern & Oriental Churches, Catholic and Orthodox
[forum=14]Non-Catholic Religions[/forum] - explore the history and beliefs of non-Catholic and non-Christian faiths, dialogue with their adherents
[forum=15]Liturgy & Sacraments[/forum] - discuss Mass and Sacraments, roles of ordinary and extraordinary ministers, liturgical music, church etiquette, the “other” Western Rites (Ambrosian, Bragan, and Mozarabic), Anglican Usage
[forum=12]Family Life[/forum] - talk with peers about marriage, educational concerns, interpersonal relationships, family planning, other aspects of daily family life
[forum=73]Parenting[/forum] - chat with others about coping with the joys, sorrows, practicalities, and challenges of raising children
[forum=100]Evangelization[/forum] - meet with others involved in religious education, catechesis, RCIA, CCD, and missionary outreach, compare experiences, learn from one another
[forum=19]Spirituality[/forum] - learn about Catholic apostolates, Secular and Third Orders, prayer, fasting, sacramentals, devotionals, Saints, your own spirituality
[forum=86]Prayer Intentions[/forum] - post prayer requests, respond to those of others, participate in perpetual prayers
[forum=75]Vocations[/forum] - discuss discernment of your own vocation to the religious, married, or single life; share your experiences with others; get information on diocesan and secular priestly formation and on religious orders
[forum=54]Popular Media[/forum] - dialogue about our culture, including art, magazines, books, computers, television, radio, music, theatre, and the performing arts
[forum=45]Catholic News[/forum] - talk about news events involving the Church, its leaders, and the laity
[forum=67]Secular News[/forum] - share perspectives and analyses of current events in our country and the world
[forum=80]War on Terror[/forum] - discuss emotional, social, and spiritual concerns involved in reacting to terrorism
If your topic doesn’t fit criteria for any forum, try the [forum=77]Back Fence[/forum] - a mix of the ridiculous and sublime, or [forum=76]The Clubhouse[/forum] - chat there is light, but can be educational
Finally, the [forum=90]Concierge Desk[/forum] - a collection of subforums designed to meet your needs, visit it to: get or offer [forum=8]Tech Support[/forum]; better understand forum use through [forum=97]Mini-Tutorials[/forum]; familiarize yourself with the [forum=91]Rules of the Road[/forum]; and, even test forum features in the [forum=93]Sandbox[/forum]
With these choices, everyone should find a forum to meet their needs. Enjoy yourself, and use the [forum=95]Suggestion Box[/forum] to let us know what we can do to make your experience better.