Hello throughout this month, I read Jimmy Akin’s Father Know Best, and it’s a great book, however, I noticed something. It seems as though the Church fathers and early Christians disagree on the order of pope succession. The consensus view is Peter then Linus then Cletus/Anacletus, then Clement, etc. However, Tertullian asserts that Clement was ordained by Peter himself disregarding both Linus and Cletus. Eusebius says Linus succeeded Peter but then says Clement is the third bishop of Rome and nowhere mentions Cletus. Augustine does mention all Peter successors but in a different order. He stats Peter then Linus then Clement then Anacletus then Evaristus. This time Clement and Cletus’s places are reversed. This isn’t meant to be an I gotcha thing. I am genuinely confused because the book or resources here make no error to reconcile this.