Were there ever any Eastern Churches that were never in any kind of union with Rome?

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Staff member
This question is closely related to the one I just asked, but I think there is enough difference, to warrant a separate thread.

May be really basic, but were there any apostolic Eastern Churches, with valid sacraments and apostolic succession, that were never in union with Rome at all, and that rejected this union if it was ever suggested or offered to them? I have in mind churches in western and south Asia, as well as in Africa.

I ask because it would be very easy for these churches to say “we, too, go back to the very beginning, and we have existed all along without wanting or needing to acknowledge the Roman Pontiff in any way whatsoever, so you can’t really call us ‘schismatic’, because we never schismed from anything”.
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There are no such extant Churches. I am subscribing to see the replies and know whether there are any extinct Churches such as this.
I’d be surprised to see such a thing.

I believe it took a while for the practice of formally establishing communion to start, and even so, almost everyone was usually in communion with almost everyone else.

Of course as you put it, it can just as easily be flipped with Rome as the schismatic party . . .
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