Wet dream/masturbation

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I’ll just cut to the chase here. I’ve been porn free for 4 months and masturbation free for 3. I hadn’t had a wet dream in 2, luckily, but recently I did. It wasn’t a sexual dream, just random. . . . One of the things I hate most about the experience is the partial release. . . .
I “finished” the process, so to speak . . . and went back to sleep. I thought about it . .
. that I was performing an act of masturbation, though it was preventative and not for pleasure or even desired in the first place.

What are the moral ramifications here? I’m definitely not looking to startup again. I literally just wanna get back to sleep. I didn’t desire pleasure and definitely not to commit a mortal sin.
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I definitely don’t plan on doing it again now that I’ve considered it. I’ll still bring it to confession also.
It’s the “finished the process” part that is more concerning - depending on what that actually means. If it means advancing the phenomenon, that’s a problem, though it could indeed have been quick and you could have been not clear-headed.

You’re not responsible for what your body does on its own without your reason’s consent - and being asleep, even partially asleep (to a degree) prevents that, so there can’t be sin while asleep.
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