Before his conversion, a great infidel made the following admission to the eminent apostle of the Sacred Heart, Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey SS.CC.:–“We have only one object in view–to dechristianize the family. We are willing to let Catholics have their churches and chapels and cathedrals. We are satisfied to have the family. If we gain the family, our victory over the Church is assured”.
I’m sure infidel means a once-Catholic secular-humanist and/or communist/socialist and not someone of another faith.
Of course we know that the forces of Satan will never prevail over the Church, though Satan, in his self-blinding Pride, might not think so (nor would his dupes or they would pretend not to believe so if they left the Church in bitterness). Any “victory” on the part of Satan and his minions in hell or on earth would be, of course, cosmetic and superficial. Although this promise is not so for other churches, I’m sure Satan wants their families also. He probably got a lot of theirs already since the 1930s in England when the taboo of divorce was lifted (or was it contraception–well, both were oked one soon after the other, I hear).
I’m sure infidel means a once-Catholic secular-humanist and/or communist/socialist and not someone of another faith.
Of course we know that the forces of Satan will never prevail over the Church, though Satan, in his self-blinding Pride, might not think so (nor would his dupes or they would pretend not to believe so if they left the Church in bitterness). Any “victory” on the part of Satan and his minions in hell or on earth would be, of course, cosmetic and superficial. Although this promise is not so for other churches, I’m sure Satan wants their families also. He probably got a lot of theirs already since the 1930s in England when the taboo of divorce was lifted (or was it contraception–well, both were oked one soon after the other, I hear).