What about this new ager idea?

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I’ve done a little study on the new agers. My conclusions follow. Then hopefully your (name removed by moderator)ut. It seems to me that it began in the early 1970’s following the 60’s. It seems to accept everything the Church rejects as evil, heretical or otherwise wrong. It seems to reject all our tradition eg Christianity. Like the hippies did in the 60’s. It is striving for a new world order, with one world government. They believe that this will end poverty, racism, religious prejudice etc.
They are growing in numbers rapidly in many countries.
Is it possible that they will be the first to accept the antichrist? Is that what it’s heading for? They can pick and choose from a host of new age ideas. Take what suits them. One belief is that Satan will come to prepare us for the second coming of Christ. Satan is like a holy prophet. I’m talking about the antichrist. They say he’s not anti at all. Dangerous stuff. With a soft opinion on Satan, how many end up in the church of Satan? What’s your thoughts?
John Russell Jr.

I’ve made some links to a Catholic woman that became a New Age minister and then later was reconciled to the church. What do you think of Moira’s testimony? Do you think that Moira was involved in something Satanic?.. in a highly readable book by Moira Noonan – a California woman who spent twenty years with the New Age in many different roles, including direct involvement with psychics, hypnotherapy, reincarnation, Reiki, channeling, crystals, clairvoyance, and other occult practices. In fact, she herself was once an occult instructor, a psychic, and a hypnotist before becoming a Catholic evangelist – her mission exposing precisely what she once practiced!

The book is Ransomed from Darkness, and in it we first learn that while raised a Catholic, Moira, like so many others, was never properly instructed in the dangers of the occult. “In Deuteronomy and elsewhere, God makes it very clear: Stay away from mediumship, sorcery, and fortune-telling of all kinds,” she writes. “The Bible makes it clear, over and over: Don’t go to these kinds of places. That was a message I never received.”
Spirit Daily
Below is Moira’s testimony about how she got involved in the New Age, and what she was trying to accomplish as a New Age minister.

Repents Years as Local Guru
By Moira Noonan, as told to Donna Steichen

part 1

part 2
Peter’s second letter warns about this…

2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, as false teachers will also be among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction.
Matt16_18 said:
John Russell Jr.

I’ve made some links to a Catholic woman that became a New Age minister and then later was reconciled to the church. What do you think of Moira’s testimony? Do you think that Moira was involved in something Satanic?.. in a highly readable book by Moira Noonan – a California woman who spent twenty years with the New Age in many different roles, including direct involvement with psychics, hypnotherapy, reincarnation, Reiki, channeling, crystals, clairvoyance, and other occult practices. In fact, she herself was once an occult instructor, a psychic, and a hypnotist before becoming a Catholic evangelist – her mission exposing precisely what she once practiced!

The book is Ransomed from Darkness, and in it we first learn that while raised a Catholic, Moira, like so many others, was never properly instructed in the dangers of the occult. “In Deuteronomy and elsewhere, God makes it very clear: Stay away from mediumship, sorcery, and fortune-telling of all kinds,” she writes. “The Bible makes it clear, over and over: Don’t go to these kinds of places. That was a message I never received.”
Spirit Daily

Below is Moira’s testimony about how she got involved in the New Age, and what she was trying to accomplish as a New Age minister.

Repents Years as Local Guru

By Moira Noonan, as told to Donna Steichen

part 1

part 2

Thanks. Good article. They sure are messing with fire. Literally.
And thanks to all who post here.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
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