What are everyone's favorite apologetics podcasts?

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Hello! Just curious, what podcasts do you all like? Some of my favorites are Catholic Answers Live, Counsel of Trent, Classical Theism, and Father Mike.
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I like those as well.

At present time I think my favorite is Called to Communion. I usually listen to all of those. Then Open line Monday, then fill in the time with Catholic Answers. If I only have 15 minutes I go with Trent or Fr. Mike.

God Bless
Thanks for replying! I subscribed to Called to Communion, but I haven’t listened to any yet. What is Open line monday?
Pints With Aquinas, Catholic Stuff You Should Know, Life is Worth Living are the big ones for me. I’ll also listen to Clericaly Speaking and the Catholic Talk Show from time to time.
The Patrick Madrid Show from Relevant Radio.

I also like all of the Catholic Answers podcasts and the Patrick Coffin Show (though it’s not apologetics)
I don’t even know what a podcast is . :confused:
Sorry to hear that. Do you have a smart phone or an ipad? If so you download a podcast ap and search any of the shows mentioned above. Then listen to the taped show at your leisure.
It’s like radio or a lecture but recorded so you can listen whenever you have the time. I like to listen to them while working on homework for college.
Cool. Thanks! I’ll have to check out the Patrick Coffin Show.
I don’t even know what a podcast is . :confused:
Sorry to hear that. Do you have a smart phone or an ipad? If so you download a podcast ap and search any of the shows mentioned above. Then listen to the taped show at your leisure.
No , I have none of those contraptions .
Well most of those shows are on you tube also. If you search called to communion on there I know Dr. Anders’ show is on their daily.

Thanks for sharing! I did not know there were so many resources available.
It’s great. The Institute of Catholic Culture is free to register and they have over 700 hours of free archived videos and audio of talks on theology, Liturgy, church history, the saints, the sacraments, bible studies, you name it. Speakers include Tim Staples from Catholic Answers. They also have free webinars. I love it. The founder, Father Hezekias, a Melkite Greek Catholic priest and his brother Father Sebastian do a weekly Sunday Gospel Reflection for both the Roman and Byzantine lectionary. They really go into the historical context of the readings so that you have a good understanding of what’s going on and how they all come together. The reflection usually comes out by Thursday evening and can be found on their YouTube page, Institute of Catholic Culture - YouTube

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That’s amazing! I’ll have to delve into that over winter break. 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
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