What are opinions you have about corona virus pandemic pt 2?

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Truth is always hurtful. God cannot loose.

After 1918-20 Spanish flu pandemic, God added a dozen years booms, burst, crash and Great Depression in 1932 just to guide Christians come back simple lives. Then God had devil Hitler to destroy European sins to free the world from slaves and colonialism.

Then VN war is life victory is love.

God wants simple life, and worship Him and continue apostles works on spare time , not for love of money to buy happiness and disloyalty. The truth is all other activities beyond living needs maybe sinful or should be avoided [as we see on TV since Jan].

So understand Him and prepare, we know the path, destination and time, love and be loved under God’s love.
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Hurtful! Make little peace; Satan is stronger than me although he lost the pandemic.
The pandemic was an invitation for the people of the world to come together and cooperate, but the invitation was unheeded. The world is more fragmented than ever. People are dying needlessly of COVID-19, and Satan is having his way.
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Satan is stronger than me although he lost the pandemic.
People are dying needlessly of COVID-19, and Satan is having his way.
I fail to see how he has lost or gained anything substantial over this. What has and is continuing to happen is largely inevitable and to be expected.
The pandemic was an invitation for the people of the world to come together and cooperate, but the invitation was unheeded.
I noticed that you stopped short of mentioning God’s hand in this but I completely disagree with your insinuation that this was some kind of supernatural invitation.

To be honest, contrary to what some people here think, the devil isn’t around every corner nor is every challenge a supernatural chastisement from God.
The pandemic was an invitation for the people of the world to come together and cooperate, but the invitation was unheeded. The world is more fragmented than ever. People are dying needlessly of COVID-19, and Satan is having his way.
Huh? It’s a virus that spread worldwide, a natural phenomenon of living on Earth. And I fail to see how “The people of the world” are not “cooperating” when we have all kinds of travel bans, mask restrictions, and so forth in place. Yes, some people are going to do dumb things and spread it, other people are going to take all the precautions and it might spread anyway depending on how communicable it is, but it’s not like many people and governments are not at least making an effort to contain it.

I’m going to change the title of this thread because it’s basically an invitation for people to give opinions about the pandemic, not “truths”.
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@ Beryllos
I fail to see how he has lost or gained anything substantial over this. What has and is continuing to happen is largely inevitable and to be expected.

The pandemic was an invitation for the people of the world to come together and cooperate, but the invitation was unheeded.
root sins include idolatry, unbelief, selfishness, pride, unforgiveness, anger, wrath, and bitterness. Among them pride and selfishness are the most root cause of all sins.

During pandemic, in my observation, many people but not all:

care for and pray for each others instead of selfishness. Crime rates dropped in out break areas.

quit greedy life style and pride.

Forgive others. Released prisoners.

Frighten and pray God for help at least sometimes instead of unbelief.

Lesser argument, and quickly solve the conflict peaceful.

Stop gamble or want other people’s assets.

Satan lost a lot. But it is not the best outcome yet, especially idolatry, unbelief, improper sexuality; etc. are still exist strong.

So at least you can see the path of God will lead to and prepare.
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There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Timony 3:1-5

I do not say end of the world, but perhaps end of time
like 1917 pandemic more or less. It is worth to understand what sins are by God’s words.
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136,000 people infected daily and will many more with this trend.

I think strategy: mask, disinfection and hand hygiene is better than mask and hand hygiene alone. Mask and hand hygiene can prevent 77% infection each while disinfection of air and surface can avoid secondary infections that accounts for at least 23% spreading.

Australia has discovered virus can survive on the surfaces up to 28 days especially smooth and solid ones, and float at least 3 hours in the air. Chinese also found out virus survived in frozen foods, containers, paper boxes from imports… maybe longer 28 days!

We have no choice to save ourselves with clean air environment even with vaccine later.

DIY Low Cost HEPA Air Cleaner for 30x30x10ft per 15 minutes or 5 minutes.

Attach air blower 600-1600 cfm cubit feet per minute with industrial air filter bags. Typical 5" diameter, 5-6 ft long, and cover with Hepa filters of KIRBY vacuum bag, Micro Allerge PLUS, down to .01 micron [or comparable brands 3M…]. Glue vacuum bags together for outer filter.

Virus will be trapped between two air filters. 5 years life time.

Cost 7-22 cents a day plus about 50 cents for electric cost.

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