What Are the Best Graduate Catholic Counseling/ Clinical Psychology Programs?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TruthSetsUFree7
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I was in seminary for a year and a half and discerned out about a year ago. I’m looking to start grad school next year in a Counseling or Clinical Psychology program of some kind. It’s important to me that I find a program that has a strong Catholic or Christian-of-some-kind anthropological perspective. I was wondering if anyone on here had schools they would recommend me to look into.

I am currently applying to 2 programs. My Alma Mater is Franciscan University of Steubenville where I graduated with a double B.A. in Philosophy and Theology back in 2013. So I’m looking into FUS’s Masters of Arts in Counseling Program.

I am also applying to IPS (the Institute of Psychological Sciences), which really is the top Catholic graduate psychology program with a strong Catholic anthropology.

Do any of you know of other good programs at other Catholic institutes or universities that you’d recommend? Or even some other Christian private university or institute that has a decent counseling/psychology program? (If it isn’t Catholic, I would want to still go somewhere with a strong Christian understanding of the human person that is not dominated by an overtly fundamentalist or liberal theological perspective.)

Thanks! God bless.
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