I would like to do some Biblical exegesis. Who are some of the better more respected Catholic commentators. Im looking for a exhaustive exgesis and commentary on the Bible. Any suggestions?
I have this one too. Its good.Dictionary of Biblical Theology (an expanded concordance) from Word Among Us (Emmaus Press)
for a devotional commentary the volumes on each NT book from Word Among Us
for footnotes and study bible the Ignatius RSV-CE with NT volumes by Scott Hahn et al
if your bible is NAB, the new Jerome bible commentary
if your bible is the DR-C, the Haydock bible commentary, which does not include modern bible scholarship (which may or may not be a bad thing)
the single best commentary-bible study I have ever seen is Steve Ray’s guide to John’s gospel, my devotional reading for the coming year (essential as I am in charge of RCIA). I hope he lives long enough to do the whole bible or at least the whole NT.