What are your Advent traditions?

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Happy Advent! I’m sure this is asked every year, but I figure new years will bring new answers.

Does anyone have any family traditions specific to Advent in addition to the Advent wreath? Are there any special devotions/prayers during Advent? Does anyone make specific meals during Advent?

I know Christmas is loaded with traditions that we get excited for and the Christmas season has essentially begun for the commercial world. What are the best ways to observe the Advent season? What do you do while you’re waiting to bake Christmas cookies, decorate the tree, and put baby Jesus into the nativity?
A new tradition I’ve heard of is reading one chapter of the Gospel of Luke each day for 24 days, so that by the time Jesus comes you will have read the story of his life and know him more intimately.
We just started this year. We have an advent wreath with candles. We light a candle then go through an Advent devotional, then we say one decade of the rosary. It’s been really nice so far
I started to say the rosary at night. I’m catholic but my family is not so I’m the only person who celebrates Advent.
Doing the St. Andrews Novena with the kids. We say it before opening the Advent calendar.

Celebrate St. Nicholas’s feast day with the whole chocolate coins in the shoes bit. This year we are starting something new I’m pretty excited about. You tell the story of St. Nicholas and how he liked to do nice things in secret, then draw names for secret santa as a family and spend the rest of Advent doing sneaky nice things for that person.

I was thinking that at the table with the Advent wreath might be a good time to pray the Acts of Faith and Hope. I’m not pulling that out this year. I only teach the kids one new prayer per month and the novena has them occupied.
It’s also my frist Advent as a Catholic so I haven’t been able to start any . Can anyone suggest anything?
  • Advent wreath
  • Novena to Immaculate Conception
  • Novena for Advent (using the O Antiphons)
  • Joyful Mysteries of the rosary on Sundays
    Just little things which denote the season really.
The kids are really enjoying the Jesse Tree. We just added it this year. I combined it with our advent calendar. The icons are in the little pockets along with candy and a little task of the day.

I am enjoying a new devotional this year. Very thought provoking.

We are also enjoying our advent wreath at dinner. We light the candle and I share an excerpt from my devotional as our reflection. We’ll switch to the O Antiphons later on.
During Advent, we are not preparing for the Coming of the Savior; we are preparing for the Birth of Jesus. Jesus had already Come, at His Conception, which is celebrated on the Solemnity of the Annunciation. How, then, did the Church deal with the prayers of the Liturgy that remain in place, prayers that urge us to look forward to Christ’s Coming, and music that does the same? Well, the Church decided to ignore the dichotomy that was created and to emphasize that we are “looking forward” to the Second Coming and to the personal coming of Jesus to us in Holy Communion. In the process, the prayers of the Mass and all the “trimmings” of Advent remain; and if you listen closely, many homilies still have us looking for to the Coming of the Savior.

The two feast days – the Annunciation and the Birth of the Lord – celebrate two distinct events in the life of Jesus and of the Church and of the world. They should not be confused or conflated. The event of Jesus’ Conception was the fulfillment of God’s Promise to send a Savior, a Promise expected and anticipated for centuries. It was a quiet but immensely profound event, witnessed by one angel and one human being, who at that moment became the Mother of God! Actually, there were multitudes of unseen angels looking on, and the Father smiled at the obedience of the Word and of His loving Servant Mary. And, the power and love of the Holy Spirit filled that small room as He became the spouse of the Virgin. This was the event without which there would be no “Advent,” without which there would be no Christmas. It was an event focused on GOD.

And so, during the Advent Season, the proper emphasis should be on looking forward to seeing the Face of God. With Mary, we wait nine months; we speak to Our Savior and the Virgin, marveling with Mary that shortly we will see the Son of God. We never forget that He has already Come and that mankind no longer must wait for the Promise to be fulfilled; but we pray for an increase in gratitude to God that He graciously permits us sinners to see the Face of His Son. Christmas is a feast intended for MAN and is one day in the incarnated Life of Jesus, when we join Mary and Joseph and the shepherds and the visible choirs of angels. I cannot help but wonder if the Blessed Virgin would often lovingly look back on those nine months when She and Her Divine Son were alone together, just as we and Jesus are alone together each time we receive the Holy Eucharist.

So, two events; two feasts. One in which the focus is on God, one in which the focus is on Man – Man and the Father’s gift of the ability to see and learn to know His very own Son, the Word of God. What about the Advent liturgy and the prayers and music that are “preparing” us for the First Coming? That is something that will have to be dealt with over time. The important thing to remember is that Jesus Came to live among us nine months before the event we will be celebrating on December 25; but that on that Day, on the Solemnity of Christmas, at last we will be able to see Him Who is our Redeemer.
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Patjoe - In one sense, you are not wrong.

But “adventus” means “coming.” It is literally the same word used for the Second Coming, in Latin, and the whole liturgical emphasis on November and December is on comparing the First and Second Comings. You find it all over the Fathers, and in Catholic teaching in every century.

So yeah, you need to soften your distinction.

But both Comings are similar also, in that they are both things that happen suddenly, but that have to be anticipated gradually.

The Incarnation happened in a moment, at the Annunciation, but it took nine months for the Lord to get around to emerging from His house within Mary. (And Israel had been waiting since Daniel, at least.)

We know that Jesus will come again at a particular amazing and unexpected moment, but we have had to be ready every day since His Ascension. (And He is with us in the Eucharist and in lots of other ways, keeping His promise to be with us always.)

The other meanings of “adventus” are “coming to, coming toward, approach, arrival, reaching a place.” And they apply to Advent also.
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You are correct in your definition of the word “advent.” But the Season itself is concluded by the Birth of Jesus. For many years, we heard sermons preparing us and urging us to prepare ourselves for the Coming of the Savior on Christmas. That has changed somewhat, but, sadly, not entirely.

We do not have to have a season to prepare for the Second Coming. As you say, we do or should do that every moment of our lives. So the Season of Advent is a puzzle, originated in a time much less complicated, both liturgically and in the world in general. It was felt that the Coming of the Savior should be given special emphasis for the sake of the laity. I don’t know, but there might have been a problem even then inserting this Advent Season where it properly belongs, because the Annunciation usually comes during the Lenten Season or during Holy Week. So it was given its own place, anticipating the Birth of the Lord. The trouble is, that created the near-heretical denial of the doctrine of the Incarnation in sermons and in writings. Combining the “comings” of the Lord into one huge celebration, and preparing therefor with prayer and song that referred not to Jesus’ Birth but to Jesus’ Conception, has many if not the majority of Catholic laity (and clergy, if we can so surmise by their homilies) missing out on the beauty and wonder of the event correctly known as the First Coming. And bishops and pastors have come to regard the Annunciation as a second-class feast, giving it little if any regard in their liturgical planning. It is a shame that in many dioceses and parishes in America we are not instructed in that beauty; and that, by treating the Annunciation as but one more day in the Lenten Season, we all miss out on the abundant graces that would flow from giving that feast its proper due.
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