What are your favourite Catholic audiobooks and podcasts?

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Hi everyone, :wave:t2:

I do a fair bit of walking, and love listening to audiobooks and podcasts. I haven’t had much luck locating Catholic ones, without having to trawl through many that don’t make the mark.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

I listen to 3 different priests on podcasts:
Fr. Mike Schmitz at ascensionpresents.com. Fr. Mike is a priest in Duluth, MN, at the UMD Newman center. Many of his podcasts are bite-sized pieces meant for young people and they’re excellent. YouTube also has longer (hour long) videos of his great talks.

Fr. Larry Richards is a phenomenal speaker; he’s at thereasonforourhope.org. He’s in Pittsburgh and does many conferences, etc. around the country. Many homilies at that website, plus lots more on YouTube. Absolutely incredible.

Fr. Chad Ripperger is at sentrad.org (look under multimedia) is a FSSP priest and has about a zillion things to listen to; some good, some great, some not-so-hot. Your mileage may vary.

Oh! I almost forgot – I’ve just started listening to Fr. John Riccardo at frjohnriccardo.libsyn.com. If you go to the website, there’s a huge list of homilies/talks down the right side of the page. I’m listening to a series of 11-12 talks he did several years ago on Theology of the Body. They’re 90=/- minutes each, so I don’t finish them at one time, but they’re very insightful.
Thanks so much! I am checking these out right now. :+1:t2:
If your parish offers FORMED.org to their parishioners, FORMED is adding new audio books and talks every month.
Oh, and don’t forget your public library. I’m listening to Augustine’s “Confessions” right now via Hoopla Digital from my public library. Both Overdrive and Hoopla offer many great Catholic titles.
Catholic Answers, the best Q&A

The Catholic Man Show, they do 3 things a drink, a man gear and a teaching

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen library, old sermons some free

EWTN has several


open line wednesday with Father Mitch is very good

a good non religious one is classic tails podcast. the guy does a good job in telling the stories.
I second the Formed.org recommendation. My parish has a subscription. Tons of great resources. Even if your parish doesn’t have a subscription, you can purchase many of those great talks (and more) through lighthousecatholicmedia.org. You can either order them on CD or get them via download.

Another great resource for purchasing Catholic talks is Saint Joseph Communications (saintjoe.com).

For podcasts, I think Bishop Barron’s wordonfire.org is great. He has his weekly homilies posted going all the way back to 2000! Lots of other great resources there, too.

I’ve also heard good things about the podcast Catholic Stuff You Should Know. It’s four priests from Denver whose approach is described as “consciously unprofessional.” 😜
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