What are your thoughts on spiritual direction?

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I had a spiritual director for a few months when I was in college. She was a numerary in Opus Dei and I was involved in the group, though not a member. It was a so-so experience. Looking back on it, the problems I talked to her about were more psychological than spiritual - what I really needed was therapy. But it was helpful at times. I later left OD and didn’t see her anymore. I sometimes think it would be nice to have a director again, especially a woman director, but they are hard to come by. It really is a “luxury” of sorts to have a personal spiritual director. I’m doing OK without one as it is - my husband is a great spiritual partner who helps me through lots of faith-related problems. I also have a very good parish priest I can go to for help if I felt the need.
Clergy in our diocese are required to have a Spiritual Director. Good spiritual direction brings out the answers from within us and are not the spiritual director’s answers.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony560:
Clergy in our diocese are required to have a Spiritual Director. Good spiritual direction brings out the answers from within us and are not the spiritual director’s answers.

May God bless you,
Deacon Tony
Deacon Tony, thank you. This is the best thing I ever heard about spiritual directors [Good spiritual direction brings out the answers from within us and are not the spiritual director’s answers.]

Previously all I ever heard or read is that whatever the director said had to be obeyed, period.

My thought is that that rules out hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

… I’ve wondered if one could have a spiritual director through e-mail. Not the best way of course but at least it’s something…
Dear Jenlyn,

I think you will benefit more from seeing a director in person. The conversation can be so far-ranging, email would probably be too slow and a hinderance. A one on one meeting with your director is probably more conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit through you both. Best wishes and God’s blessings.
… A one on one meeting with your director is probably more conducive to the work of the Holy Spirit through you both.
I am so happy to see the role of the Holy Spirit highlighted in spiritual direction and other times as well.

For instance, in our nightly examination of conscience. For me, He is the ultimate spiritual director.

I don’t see how we can even dream of sanctity without being attuned to listening to His voice in all matters.

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