What brought you to the RC Church

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My Anglican church has more lapsed-somethings than cradle Anglicans. The lapsed tend to be RC’s, Baptists or Evangelicals. I’m curious, if you are not a cradle RC or were a lapsed Catholic, what brought you to the RC Church.

I sometimes wonder if it is precisely those things that made me leave are also some of the very reasons that explain why others embrace Catholicism.
Early church history, I’d say.

I come from a Baptist background, and due to some ridiculous “church drama” I was compelled to investigate more deeply why I believe what I believe. This led me to studying the sacraments, and eventually confessional Lutheranism.

Things got interesting when, upon studying the early Lutherans’ attempts to establish friendly relations with the eastern church, I learned that the Orthodox patriarch rebuked the young reformers for their radical doctrines, and rather sided still with Rome against them.

I found that to be quite telling !!

From there it was just a half-step to studying all of the sacraments, and really examining the justification (or lack thereof) of my two most basic presumptions: Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide.

I’ve always prayed for the Spirit to lead me into all truth. I just never thought it’d lead me to Rome. 😄
I had a re-version in 2007.

What started it was a priest made me laugh. Been back ever since.
It was to large part jehovah witnesses visiting me when I broke my leg and couldn’t leave home, enjoyed chat but read bible somehow through circuitous route got back was almost ‘re-baptised by Baptist church’ along the way.
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What brought me in was largely seeing the emptiness of the evangelical style worship I’d been brought up in and wanting something more historical and authentic, along with feeling that worship should be more reverent and oreintated towards God (as the Mass is and a praise and worship service is not.) I also came to greatly value the Eucharist and in general the sacramental approach to life. What almost stopped me from “crossing the Tiber” is the idea of submitting to the authority of the church and in particular the idea of papal infallability, and to be honest these are still things I struggle with.
i tried some protestant churches for a bit but it seemed more like orientation for a new job and not so much worship.
The ordination of women made me realise that the Anglicans were claiming the power to alter truth itself, whereas Rome claims only to define what truth already is.

This enabled me to overcome my difficulty with the doctrine of papal infallibility.

At tge same time it enabled me to see that relativism (aka modernism) is the most dangerous enemy of Christianity, and that I should resign from freemasonry not just because it is prohibited to Catholics but also because it is one of tge most powerful engines of the relativist idea in the world.
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