What can we as Catholics do to help homeless on streets and sidewalks?

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When I was driving the other day, I noticed two homeless people standing around with signs for help, but I didn’t know what to do or say. I have given money to homeless people before, and they were very appreciated of that, but I don’t know if that really helps them - I get discouraged thinking that.

I do always think back to the Scripture passage in Matthew: “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.”

Even the love thy neighbor commandment comes into play here too.

Is there any recommendations on what we can do as Catholics to better help these individuals in the time of need?

Thank you, and God Bless!
A good option would be to get them a hamburger and water. Or any kind of food.
Listen to their stories. They have zero friends and they feel like no one cares.
Sometimes along with money or food, we can give them a hug, especially on a cold day.
Everybody needs a hug now and again.
The homeless are a deep mystery to learn about.

There is a homeless woman who is frequently at Adoration. She hangs around the cathedral area frequently. She is quiet and often reads (I think she reads) the prayer booklets there. I had my little reflection journal open at the time and I remember asking 20 questions to myself about her. Who is she? Are her parents alive? Does she have siblings? Does she have a child herself somewhere? Once upon a time she was a helpless baby and presumably grew up in some sort of home with either real parents or foster parents or something. She probably would have opened Christmas presents under a tree at some point. How did she go from that to where she is right now? They are questions that - to be honest - I had never pondered before in my life [to be fair I grew up in the country and homeless people were never a thing until much, much later in life]

You can give them food or drink. If you are brave, you can talk to them.
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Is there any recommendations on what we can do as Catholics to better help these individuals in the time of need?
Become familiar with local resources for the homeless and direct people you encounter to services— carry business cards for these services and give them out.

Support Catholic Charities or other local non profits that serve the homeless with time talent and treasure. Our Catholic Charities runs several shelters.
I posted this on another thread and it is something to think about:

A guy I used coach Catholic grade school soccer with is a Captain with a mid-sized, suburban police department. He said that “homeless” beggars on the streets and exit ramps can take in about $500 a day. He has had to detain and search some of these people and has asked them about it. They are pretty open about it. If they worked 40 hour weeks, 50 weeks a year (which they don’t but that is their choice) thier take would be around $125,000 a year, tax free.

This kind of scam has been going on for a long time. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle even wrote a Sherlock Holmes story about the non-poor pretending to be homeless and panhandling in the late 1800’s, “The Man With the Twisted Lip.”

Another thing to understand is that begging and being on the street is hazardous to the actual homeless person also, in two ways. First, a lot of the money a lot of them collect goes to drugs, which will eventually kill them. Second, beggars are good marks for robbers, sometimes violent ones. Bad guys see a street person with some fresh handouts as an easy mark and they know that the beggar will likely not report them and if they do, the cops won’t spend a lot of time looking for the culprit.

There are resources for legitimate homeless people, such as government programs and charities, including Catholic charities. There is employment available for the jobless. Not great paying employment always, but employment that will pay for food and shelter. Minimum wage jobs are always looking for people. I regularly give to the Church and its charities, as well as other charities. I pay my taxes. So I am giving to the poor without encouraging scams and other crimes.
He said that “homeless” beggars on the streets and exit ramps can take in about $500 a day. He has had to detain and search some of these people and has asked them about it. They are pretty open about it.
This is true. There have been several news articles (I think in the Washington Post) in the past that mentioned how some of the beggars who were not addicts or street people but were doing it by choice, had actually turned down or ignored opportunities for a regular job because they can make more money in less time by begging.
Get food and other necessities instead

If it’s a scam usually thatd make them mad, but if it is true then that should be helpful.
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This is a great question! Personally i have tried different approaches over times. I used to walk past a homeless man on my way to Church, it didn’t seem very Christian to simply blank him so i started preparing food for him to give along the way. It worked somewhat in the sense he accepted the food but as we became familiar it became obvious that he didn’t appreciate it, that strangers would buy him food whenever he wanted and what he really wanted was alcohol. One day he asked me where I was going afterwards and I told him Church, he told me he wanted to come and who was I to say otherwise. Unfortunately he was too drunk (at ~10am) to act with respect in the Church and ended up trying to down all of the Holy communion.

I used to think he represented every homeless person, until I did a fact check and found the ‘only’ two thirds of rough sleepers have drug and alcohol addictions. I was staggered it wasn’t 99%.

My personal conclusion is that the best way you can help them is to help a charity that helps them and not to give money directly.
Yes I have offered to go and buy them food or whatever they needed. Majority of the time they say no. Some times I give money and God knows where your heart is and he will bless you for that.

So do what you feel is right and he will bless you. God bless
I keep a box of protein bars in my car to give when I see someone. Often signs will express that they are hungry. I’ve never had food turned away.
I often wonder about this. I’m in the DC area and there are a fair number of homeless people here. When I pass by them and do nothing, I wonder if, at the day of judgment, Jesus will ask me why I ignored them.

One day I was on my way to adoration and was feeling particularly charitable- I happened upon a man walking with a sign that said “help the homeless” and thought “well here’s a chance to help someone in need”! He said something to the effect of “Could you buy me some food?” and I said sure. We were right near a sandwich shop and I said, “How about here?” and he said no, he wanted to go to CVS. Thought that was a little funny but ok, maybe he wanted a loaf of bread or something. As we’re walking he launches into a spiel of how he was laid of several years ago so then he decided to “try his luck” on the streets but now he had a place to stay, he just needed $40 so could I spare some money? …At that point I said was sorry and couldn’t help and turned back around. 🤷‍♀️

I do donate to my local branch of Catholic Charities so maybe between that and saying a prayer for each homeless person I pass, it’s ok?
I have given homeless people cash or bought meals but I think supporting organizations that help the homeless is, dollar for dollar, a more efficient use of the money. Those organizations can stretch those dollars and reach more people. I like to support projects that offer mobile showers, haircuts, not just shelters and soup kitchens.
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