What charities do you give to besides your parish?

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Also do you keep your charitable donations local?

Dynamic Catholic embassador
Parish food bank
Local food bank
Local food bank
Catholic Charities

All local. Occasionally, I’ll do the one-off donation to either a national charity or another local charity that has a particular need.
Nothing regular, we are rather poor and my parish needs it really.
Coming Home Network
Catholic Answers
Others as the opportunity presents - Diocese, CASA, St. Paul Center.
I give to the first three because of their help and influence toward my conversion.
My main regular donation apart from to the Parish is to the nearest Franciscan Friars of the Renewal Priory for their outreach mission - it’s in the same county and diocese. It just goes to show the power of TV because it was originally in response to a documentary…but I’ve since been privileged to meet some of the brothers (and some of the sisters in the next town too) and they are all wonderful! Everything else is ad-hoc so could be local, national or international…
Catholic Charities, Los Angeles
St. Vincent Meals on Wheels
Catholic Near East Welfare Association
These are three that I give to every month. Also, there are two Benedictine Abbeys nearby, and a few other charities as well, like Casa Franciscana Outreach (which works mostly in Mexico) and St. Anne’s Maternity Home for mothers and children in Los Angeles, that I give to regularly. And yes, Catholic Answers, too 🙂.
We don’t always donate to all of these every year, but these are the one’s we’ve supported the most. St. Vincent de Paul
St. Jude Children’s Cancer Fund
Catholic Charities, St. Louis
Ronald McDonald House
St Patrick’s Center
St. Louis Children’s Choirs- Not exactly “charity”, but a scholarship program that allows less-privileged children to participate in an amazing, life-changing program
Variety Children’s Network
We’ve also made gifts to individuals and families in need that we know personally or learned about through the news or friends and family.
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I’ve given to many different charities over the years. Many pro-life groups, disaster relief, my university alma mater, adopt-an-orphan type programs, seminarian support, etc.
Also do you keep your charitable donations local?
nope. I’ve given locally, nationally, and internationally.

My only criteria is that I research the charities for unethical uses of funds such as embryonic stem cell research (rules out a lot of medical charities) and anything else that contradicts Church teaching.
Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions [ PIME ] , PIMEusa.org
Detroit, MI…… they have 18 Martyrs over last 150 yrs “WE go where others won’t”
Any parish where I attend Sunday Mass, I support at the Offertory
Also, secular charities; Salvation Army, Toys for Tots, Food and $ donations to schools with food pantries for those kids who suffer from deprivation when school is out.
Also, St. Vincent de Paul
Catholic Charities
Diocesan appeal
Food for the Poor
Missionary Appeals
Benedictine Annual Appeal
and of course, my parish
None. I consider the large amounts of unpaid overtime I put in trying to keep “the bad guys” off the streets to be sufficient charity. My hourly rate of ~$52.00 x 10-15 hours of unpaid overtime average per week (would be $104/hr if paid overtime) adds up to a lot of money given back to the community over the course of a year.
I have contributions automatically deducted from my paycheck to ten different charities, some local, some not. Off the top of my head, I cannot recall what all of them are, but Catholic Charities and Doctors Without Borders are among them.
All monetary except as noted:

Ronald McDonald House
Order of Malta
St. Vincent de Paul
Local food bank (food and toiletries donations)
Local animal welfare association (food and supplies donations)
Local soup kitchen
Red Cross
Benedictine abbey in England where I go on retreat annually

And you, @esmac? 🙂
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Hello @esmac .

I’m going to be the awkward beggar . 🙃

“When you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you ."
Our local St. Vincent de Paul Society
Saint Meinrad Archabbey and Seminary
The Fathers of Mercy
I would LOVE to go on a retreat annually at a Benedictine abbey in England.

One for me that I will advertise - I am a St. Jude Partner in Hope. St. Jude is a Children’s Cancer Research Hospital in Memphis, TN. Auto drafts $20 a month. I have worked there. St. Jude is a first class operation.
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