What Christians should know about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

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Great info, easy to understand, and love how they cut to the chase:

Why it Matters: When it comes to antipoverty programs, Christians should support policies that encourage work and discourage dependency due to idleness (2 Thessalonians 3:10). By this measure, the EITC—one of the federal government’s largest antipoverty programs—has been a success that deserves our support.
It is very hard for some people to believe that some members of society should be getting back money on their tax return over and above what they have paid in.

It usually doesn’t take too long to explain that the taxpayers are actually saving money due to EITC with the current level of social programs available in our country.

If you add up what housing, food stamps, medicaid, head start, free lunches and a whole host of other benefits some people draw, it can be upwards of 20 - 30k per year worth of benefits.

Encouraging work and boosting a family income by as much as 6500 for the 2019, can in fact be a savings to the budget.
I just checked out their about page and found this:
“The work of 3P aims to fill the holes left by the current think tank landscape with a special focus on socialist and social democratic economic ideas” With all due respect, I don’t exactly trust socialists to explain economics to me.
Encouraging work and…
It may be that we simply have no requirement for the quantity of labour those in need of an income can provide. That would suggest our economic system may need to change rather dramatically.
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