What country do you think is the most devout?

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HI, guys I was wondering which country you think has the most devout Catholics, using whatever critera you wish (Mass attendance, % of the population etc.) as well as, which country’s laws, policies,(regarding Gay marriage, abortion, death penalty etc.) is most in line with Church teaching

Though I think it’s not our place to judge other people’s devoutness…I’m gonna use the criteria you set and go out on a limb and say the Vatican City.
Though I think it’s not our place to judge other people’s devoutness…I’m gonna use the criteria you set and go out on a limb and say the Vatican City.
I say the state of California is the most devout. Look at its major cities: Saint Franciso, Saint Diego, the city of Angels, etc.

(Sorry, couldn’t resist, back to your regularly scheduled thread).
Though I think it’s not our place to judge other people’s devoutness…I’m gonna use the criteria you set and go out on a limb and say the Vatican City.
hmm you got me there :p, ok other than the obvious one Vatican City.
I still haven’t made up my mind, but here’s some food for thought:

I still haven’t made up my mind, but here’s some food for thought:

Top 10 Nations with Most Catholics Catholics

Country ---------Percent Catholic---------Number of Catholics
  1. Brazil -------------------86.50%---------------------#134,818,000
  2. Mexico------------------95.30-------------------------86,305,000
  3. USA---------------------26.00-------------------------61,000,000
  4. Philippines-------------83.60-------------------------58,735,000
  5. Italy---------------------97.20-------------------------55,599,000
  6. France-----------------82.10-------------------------47,773,000
  7. Spain-------------------94.20-------------------------36,956,000
  8. Poland------------------95.40-------------------------36,835,000
  9. Colombia---------------91.90-------------------------32,260,000
  10. Argentina-------------90.70-------------------------31,546,000
Top 20 Nations with Highest Percentage of Catholics
Nation Number of Catholics Percent of population that are Baptized Catholics

Country:---------------- Number of Catholics---------------% Catholic
  1. Vatican City--------------------------#850-------------------100.00%
  2. San Marino-----------------------24,714----------------------99.83
  3. Saint Pierre and Miquelon-------6,000-----------------------99.36
  4. Wallis and Futuna Islands------15,000-----------------------99.02
  5. Italy---------------------------55,599,000----------------------97.20
  6. Cape Verde---------------------390,000----------------------96.00
  7. Poland------------------------36,835,000----------------------95.40
  8. Mexico------------------------86,305,000----------------------95.30
  9. Ireland-------------------------3,372,500----------------------95.00
  10. Guadeloupe--------------------391,000----------------------95.00
  11. Spain------------------------36,956,000----------------------94.20
  12. Luxembourg--------------------386,000----------------------94.00
  13. Paraguay---------------------4,531,000----------------------93.80
  14. Ecuador---------------------10,729,000----------------------93.60
  15. El Salvador-------------------5,399,000----------------------93.50
  16. Costa Rica-------------------3,009,000----------------------93.00
  17. Honduras---------------------5,517,000----------------------92.70
  18. Venezuela------------------19,922,000----------------------92.00
  19. Portugal----------------------9,948,000----------------------92.00
oddly enough, it was billed as the top 20 nations, but there were only 19…hmm? Anyway data taken from here:

Though I think it’s not our place to judge other people’s devoutness…I’m gonna use the criteria you set and go out on a limb and say the Vatican City.
You :tsktsk: stole :crying:my answer!!😉 👍
I’m going to go with Rome, followed by Italy, followed by Poland.
Though I think it’s not our place to judge other people’s devoutness…I’m gonna use the criteria you set and go out on a limb and say the Vatican City.
:rotfl: That is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!!! Well done!!!
😉 What’s so funny 😉

Let’s evaluate the Vatican City on the basis of the criteria given:

Mass attendance–though I’m not sure, I wouldn’t think it would be imprudent to say that Mass attendance is probably not a problem 😉

Percent of the Population: Why it’s the only place in the world where we make up 100 percent of the population!

Country’s, policies being in line with the Church: Again, not a problem with my answer 😃 Cause the Country’s laws on things like this just happen to also be the Church’s 😃 😉

I win!

but I will think of a different answer…give me some time…I’ll think of one other one since it appears I might have possibly skirted the original intent of the first poster :whistle:
Sanctus said:
😉 What’s so funny 😉

Let’s evaluate the Vatican City on the basis of the criteria given:

Mass attendance–though I’m not sure, I wouldn’t think it would be imprudent to say that Mass attendance is probably not a problem 😉

Percent of the Population: Why it’s the only place in the world where we make up 100 percent of the population!

Country’s, policies being in line with the Church: Again, not a problem with my answer 😃 Cause the Country’s laws on things like this just happen to also be the Church’s 😃 😉

I win!

but I will think of a different answer…give me some time…I’ll think of one other one since it appears I might have possibly skirted the original intent of the first poster :whistle:

Funny as in witty.
It makes so much sense, it’s funny.
Take Monty Python, and then turn it upside down. Instead of having stupid humour, you have humour that makes too much sense.

Now, back onto the topic,
I’d have to go with any country in South America. They were goin on and on about it during the last conclave. They were ranting and raving about the possibility of a South American Pope.
Funny as in witty.
It makes so much sense, it’s funny.
Take Monty Python, and then turn it upside down. Instead of having stupid humour, you have humour that makes too much sense.
I knew what you ment…I was continuing in my sarcasim…anyway I really am having a terrible time deciding…I’ve got three or so countries right now and I can’t seem to decide.
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