What daily prayers do you say as a family?

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Just wondering what the family prayer life looks like in your “domestic church”. 🙂
None… and I am ashamed to say so… just never got in the habit… 😦
Grace before dinner and usually my sons and I say a bedtime prayer that I learned as a child:

Angel of God, my guardian dear
To whom God’s love permits me here
Ever this day, be at my side
To light, to guard, to rule and guide.

My 3yo DS has had a hard time with “scary things” in the dark, and invoking the protection of his guardian angel helps him. 🙂
In addition to Grace, we usually say an Act of Contrition at bedtime. On occasion, we also say the rosary (usually on longer car rides) and have learned the Angelus as a bedtime prayer as well.

Depending on the kids’ mood/behavior (12 yo and 9 yo), we add Hail Marys, Our Fathers, and aspirations like the Fatima (Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins… or Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His Name, my God, have mercy.)
We have three young children, 6m, 18m, & 3yrs. We have been saying a family rosary for a few months now outside their bedroom doors. We thought that they would be too young and resist, but it has been quite the contrary. Our three year now asks every night if we are going to pray the “rose-ry.” I am amazed with how much they enjoy it! I would hightly recomend giving it a try. It has made our evenings much more peacefull.
My wife & I regularly (a few times a day) together pray a simple prayer of surrender (she likes to worry too much.)

:gopray2: Jesus, I surrender.
:gopray2: Jesus, I love You.
:gopray2: Jesus, I trust in You.
Besides Grace before meals, our bedtime prayers typically include all those listed below. My oldest 6-year-old daughter seems to memorize these so quickly, so I keep adding new ones. Her memorization skills are much better than mine.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Angel of God
St. Michael Prayer
Glory Be…
Oh My Jesus…
Eternal Father I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul…
Since I am at college all alone, I can say that i say several prayers by myself daily. THese include the Our Father, Hail Mary, the Guardian Angel prayer, and of course, an Act of Contrition. We must remember to pray for His forgiveness daily. Please make a daily offering for your sins.

At our chapel (with my family), we say the the Divine Praises after every weekday mass. We also have daily Eucharistic Adoration.
:bowdown: Well… my dad, my brother and I always pray before meals. Somtimes we pray the rosary before bed. God Bless you, have a great day and keep on praying!

Qynne Callahan
My husband is not Catholic (add this to your prayers please), but my 12 yr old daughter and I are great prayer partners.

We say Grace before dinner each night, during the school year, on the way to dropping her off at school we say what I call a Rosette

1 Our Father
3 Hail Marys
1 Glory Be
1 Oh my Jesus
1 St. Michael the Archangel

We also have done novena’s to St. Therese - the Little Flower (an excellent chaplet for introducing to your children to chaplets!).

We enjoy the St. Joseph Chaplet (I make rosaries and chaplets in memory wire bracelet format, so I made one to cover all 20 mysteries - including the Luminous). It’s a great way of helping with the memorization of the mysteries of the Rosary, in a faster format.

Of course the Rosary is a special favorite, when we have time.

During the summer, she joins me at Daily Mass and this summer, she’s been saying Morning and Evening Office with me. It’s really nice to share the Liturgy of the Hours with her!

And we love listening to Immaculate Heart Radio (they carry much of EWTN’s programing, as well as programming from St. Joseph’s Radio, etc.). When she started learning to play clarinet last Fall, the first thing she did was play the tune of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. And we’ll also pray along with Angelus if it comes on.

I’m probably missing something obvious, but considering the fact that we did very little family prayer when I was growing up, I’m enjoying the heck out of the time she and I spend together in prayer.

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