What did St. Thomas have to say about why memory is reliable? Or any later Thomistic thinkers?
And what does that criptic statement mean? Give us an example or two.Memory is the reflection of past from the self into consciousness.
First past does not exist and it can only be experienced at the moment now in consciousness. The past then is registered into the self after it is experienced and could be retrieved by a reflection.And what does that criptic statement mean? Give us an example or two.
I am not sure Aquinas would use the term “reliable” to mean that memory is always correct. But I believe he would say that it is not “varying”.What did St. Thomas have to say about why memory is reliable? Or any later Thomistic thinkers?
I agree that time is change and the past moment is gone and the future moment is not here but the things we experience at each of those moments still exists. It is only our moment by moment experience of them that changes. Yet we retain a memory of those experiences.First past does not exist and it can only be experienced at the moment now in consciousness. The past then is registered into the self after it is experienced and could be retrieved by a reflection.
What is consciousness? Consciousness is the ability to experience and affect mental states.
What is self? Self is set of mental states which were experienced.
What is reflection? Reflection is ability to differentiate what is experienced at now from what is experienced in past.
Why reflection is important? Because we experienced things unconditionally hence we have to have the ability to make distinction between what is there and what was there.