What did you guys do today? Did you go to daily mass?
I did. In fact, I went to Mass twice, as I always do on Saturday. I went to morning Mass and confession, as is my custom, and then I took my mom to the Sunday Vigil Mass, because that’s what she prefers. Saturday is my holiest day of the week.Did you go to daily mass?
Yes, that looks (and sounds) like the bird.I’ve been up since 5 and it’s just starting to get light. I’ve answered my two big questions for the day, where I’m going birding and where we’re going to mass. I’ll be out the door soon.
Your mystery nocturnal crooner is probably a Northern Mockingbird. They’re famous for it. If it goes on forever and has a lot of variety, that’s your bird. I’ve been listening to White-winged Doves in the middle of the night. They’re song sounds like, ‘I’ve lost control!’. Right now the House Finches are whistling about how excited they are for a new day.