Forgive me if I am starting a new thread if my question has been covered elsewhere, I just couldn’t find it. Why do so many people not like Vatican II Council? I have heard many say this which is why I ask. Personally, I don’t see what is so wrong or bad about Vatican II. I have been Catholic for just 4 years so I don’t know much about the Church prior to Vatican II. In my limited knowledge of the history of the Church, I would have to say that I feel the Church did need reforming. Do people who don’t like Vatican II simply just not like change? I also feel that in my part of the world, a lot of objections I have heard to change seem to me to be a storm in a teacup and I don’t understand what everyone is getting so upset about. I was appalled at a discussion I heard on my local radio station, argueing the sign of peace should be removed from the Mass by people who seemed to be hard-line traditionalists. Their reason? They didn’t like touching someone else’s hand in case they caught germs and didn’t want to touch someone’s hand if they had blown their nose. I someone uses a hanky I have no real objection as colds are airborn anyway so you are breathing in lots of who knows what and did Our Lord not reach out and touch a leper and wash the feet of his Apostles? The people who were asking for this to be removed from the Mass are critics of Vatican II. Did Saint Paul not say something like, ‘if I have all these things but do not have love’ there is nothing? Did he not also say ‘let not the one eating just the one not eating’ so on and so forth? Can’t we just be a little more tolerant? Why is that a bad thing?