What Do We Expect From Our Priests?

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Zenit reports on an interesting question:

"…People today seek one thing from a priest: to encounter Christ, contemplating in him the face of God, says the prefect of the Congregation for Clergy.

Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos made that point during a theologians videoconference organized by the Vatican dicastery he heads.

The theme of the videoconference, “Priests, Forgers of Saints in the Third Millennium,” was the same as that of the International Congress of Priests held last month in Malta.

Introducing the 32nd International Theological Conference, the cardinal said that the priest, “loved by God and a saint by vocation, … has been qualified to speak with the ‘I’ of Christ. In his gesture of blessing and his hands raised in the Eucharistic sacrifice flow the life and salvific action of Christ himself, for the good of humanity.”

“With his life, the priest attests that the object of holiness is not found in itself, but that it is a journey toward God, who is holy, and toward men, who thirst for God,” the cardinal said. “Contemporary man has as his only great expectation to encounter Christ. People ask to be able to contemplate in him [the priest] the merciful face of God.”

The relators of the videoconference – Monsignors Juan Esquerda Bifet and Antonio Miralles and Legionary Father Paolo Scarafoni – emphasized that the priestly ministry, called to be in constant contact with the transcendent holiness of God, becomes, in Christ, the bearer of this holiness in the world.

Monsignor Esquerda Bifet, professor at Rome’s Urban University, presented the priest’s life of holiness as key “so that the Gospel can penetrate in a genuine way in cultures and also, in a special way, in our sociocultural and historical situation.”

Monsignor Miralles, professor at the University of the Holy Cross, said that the Church’ pastors “are credible in the measure that they reveal Christ.”

According to the prelate, it is necessary to carry out pastoral service in three ways. First, “not out of obligation, almost wishing to be rid of it as a heavy burden, but willingly, according to Jesus’ example, obedient to the Father unto death.”

“In the second place, not for profit but with a good heart,” he said. “It is the contrast between the hireling and the good shepherd. The hireling ‘cares nothing for the sheep’; his interest is earnings. Instead, ‘the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.’”

In the third place, not behaving as masters of the faithful who have been entrusted to them, but being “models for the flock,” Monsignor Miralles said. “The shepherds are not the owners of the flock, because the flock is God’s…”

Code: ZE04121405
Date of pubblication: 2004-12-14
Cardinal Castrillón on What People Expect of Priests
To Encounter Christ, He Says at Videoconference
Dear friend

This is an interesting post. I would say yes, in our Priests we expect to encounter Christ Jesus, not just by the Sacraments, but also in the very nature of the Priest. I would also say that that is true of every single Christian or Catholic …we should give Christ to all we meet. We may be the only person an individual may have of encountering Christ Jesus, therefore it is not enough to profess to be Catholic and keep the Sacraments, we must also emulate Christ and strive to be Christ-like in order to fulfill the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Having said all of this, we must always remember that we and the Priests are sinners, therefore as Christ did, we must forgive each other. Forgiveness is Divine and the hardest part of Christ Jesus to emulate.

From the Way of Perfection, St Teresa of Avila

‘Forgive us as we forgive. How much it means to our Lord, this love of ours for one another! The good Jesus might well have given precedence to everything else rather than to love for one another, and said:‘Forgive us , Lord, because we do alot of penance, we are often praying, we have left everything for Your sake and we love you very much’. He has never said: ‘Because we would die for you’…He says simply: ‘Because we forgive’. I think the reason for this is that He was well aware that our wounded sensibilities and pride make mutual love the hardest virtue to attain though it is the one His Father values most…unless a person is very determined and, when the occasion arises makes a point of forgiving, not just the mere nothings which people call wrong, no matter how great, do not set store by that person’s experiences in prayer.’

Whilst we expect of each other and our Priests, we must always remember our own human failings and fraility, we are sinners and should love each other as such, as Christ Jesus Himself and our Truine God also does. Remembering that perfection cannot lie in this life, but only in the next, in this life we strive for perfection, but hold dear to our hearts we are sinners and God’s love for us remains despite this, Eternaklly our loving Parent. This is Love…this is how we should love each other …

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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