I have a question that has been plaguing me since I entered college. The priest on campus here at USC, Fr. Bill Messenger, is extremely liberal and says that he doesn’t believe in hell. He has also mentioned that there are numerous things we don’t “have” to believe such as angels…etc. I did some research and found that Hell has never been defined at a Church Council. In fact there are numerous things that the Church “teaches” that havn’t been defined. My understanding is that infallible teachings come from both the Ordinary and Extraordinary Magisteriums of the Church. The Extraordnary Magisterium includes Ecumenical Councils and infallible papal statements. These are easily looked up and anyone can see what the Church infallibily teaches in this regard. The Ordinary Magisterium seems a bit more vague in that it’s definition seems to be everything that the Church has constantly held as true. But what are these teachings that the Church has constantly held as true!?! I mean, limbo used to be considered “true”. It was even in the Baltimore Catechism!! What’s more, Fr. Bill says that 3 out of 4 early Church schools taught that there was no hell. I have heard this before, and if it is true, then how can Hell be part of the Ordinary Magisterium??? I have looked all over Catholic Answers for an answer. In short, what do we have to believe, and what don’t we have to believe, and on what church documents do we base this distinction. Can someone please help me out or direct me to an article that would help?