What do you do during Adoration?

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I went to adoration the other day (which I don’t do very often) and I wasn’t really sure what to do. I did some praying and some kneeling in silence, but I was wondering what other people do at adoration.
Extemporaneous prayer, liturgy of the hours, read spiritual books, read the bible, pray the rosary, chaplet of divine mercy, you name it, I’ve probably done it.

Extemporaneous prayer, liturgy of the hours, read spiritual books, read the bible, pray the rosary, chaplet of divine mercy, you name it, I’ve probably done it.

All of the above, plus, I really like to sometimes just kneel or sit quietly. I love the sound of silent adoration.

One booklet I particularly like is ‘One Hour with Jesus’.
I get on my knees and empty my heart to the Lord. Then – what is very hard for me – I try to listen.

I read spiritual material, journal and read the petitions and praise books that are offered.

It is usually a very fast hour. The quiet and peace are supernatural, something every mom would love to have at least once a week.

I also pray for insight for material for the newsletter I edit/write.

Just a note, I don’t create the newsletter in Adobe, but it is converted some how to an Adobe format. I noticed that some of the artwork has slid from page to another. It is a problem to me – maybe not anyone else, but wanted to say that I work very hard on the layout.
I also put a booklet of prayers and graphics together for Holy Hour help – as an adult with ADHD, I was worried that I would find my mind too distracted.

Anyone who would like me to email a copy to them can PM me with their email addy — I won’t harrass anyone, but the Word doc that this booklet is in is rather large in memory usage.
I don’t have a regimen, but mix it up. I always just sit in silence for at least 15 minutes. Sometimes I pray my rosary and/or Divine Mercy Chaplet. I always take some kind of spiritual reading with me, but I read it slowly. I thought that since adoration was new to me, I would take some time to read material on … Eucharsitic Adoration.

Here is a good list. I like Fr. John Hardon’s work too and much is listed here.

Ever since JPII pronounced the Year of the Eucharist last fall, I have tried to spend more time in Adoration with Jesus. I agree with the description of a quiet supernatural peaceful time someone wrote! I am a busy working mom, and my time with Jesus is usually spent in a quiet, peaceful state…it took many visits and efforts to “quiet the monkeys in my mind” but gradually I have gotten to the point where I can sit quietly with no thoughts. Just “being”. I like the description of I look at Jesus and He looks at me, except that I “look” at Him with my heart.

I ask Jesus to come into my heart and that I would come into His heart…and then relax with my eyes closed, a quiet mind, and a wonderful, overwhelming peacefulness & joy & light flows through me. Most days I only have 10-15 minutes between dropping the kids at school & getting to work, but I believe it is some kind of “time warp” because sometimes it feels as though I have been with Him for hours! I also ask for this to be a Spiritual Communion, since I can’t make daily Mass very much.

I sincerely encourage you to just “sit and be” with Him. You can do all those other wonderful things & devotions at home or in the mountains or elsewhere, but in front of the Tabernacle, you actually BE with Him…so relax and enjoy His wonderful presence. Think of it as “Son-bathing” so you get a “Son-tan” and can reflect His love as you go about your regular day. Let Him work on your heart and your issues and your troubles and your personality as only He can.

ENJOY the presence of the LORD!
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