What do you do if you spill Holy Water?

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If Holy water is spilled, what is the proper way to clean it up and what do you do after it is cleaned. This being done with total respect. Thank you
I’m not sure if this is the formal answer, but I don’t think you need to do anything special. If you spill Holy Water, is there really a need to clean it up? Generally Holy Water is sprinkled around and is meant to come into contact with objects of the ground and earth. Holy Water is not the same as the Eucharistic Blood and Body, which are meant to be consumed and to be kept pure.

Personally, when I accidentally spilled Holy Water, I ask for God’s forgiveness and, if possible, I place my hand on the spot where the Holy Water fell and then spread that water across my body, so not to put it to waste.

I’m sure there are formal rules, but I don’t know them.
nothing, holy water is routinely sprinkled all around so naturally some will fall to the ground or on other objects, that’s what it’s there for
During the drought of 1988, I had a baby food jar of Holy Water in my home. I took the Holy Water out in the middle of my farm fields and sprinkled it and blessed the land. The farm stayed green without any rain all summer and I had the highest yeald in the county. God Bless
Spoken:tsktsk: No to the origional poster,bend down and get some and find Spoken:D Get him:eek: God Bless
Spoken:tsktsk: No to the origional poster,bend down and get some and find Spoken:D Get him:eek: God Bless
Hi Lisa, Ya, All the way to the confessional. 😃 God Bless
Hi Lisa, Ya, All the way to the confessional. 😃 God Bless
You read my mind:bowdown2: God Bless
PS Spoken I have a thread I want you to see and please respond to the poll:eek:
Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

There is a tradition that Holy Water should be sprinkled on the ground and at the same time we ask Jesus to multiply these drops so that every soul in Purgatory may benefit from its effects.

I always sprinkle a few drops on the ground just before I bless myself.

See the following article from quin.gq.nu/purgatory.htm
Holy Water

In the Home

Take an empty bottle to the parish church, fill it with Holy Water and bring it back home for the spiritual and temporal protection of the family. It should not be tucked away in a remote corner but be made available to all.

Holy Water is a sacramental that helps us to be sorry for sin. Because of the blessing attached to it, Holy Church strongly urges its use upon Her children, especially when dangers threaten such as fire, storms, sickness and other calamities. Every home should always have a supply of Holy Water in it.

Disposes Us to Sorrow for Sin

Keep your soul beautifully pure in God’s sight by making the Sign of the Cross reverently while saying:

"By this Holy Water and by Thy Precious Blood wash away all my sins, O Lord."

*this doesn’t replace confession.

The Holy Souls Long For It

Only in Purgatory can one understand ardently the poor souls long for Holy Water. If we desire to make a host of intercessors for ourselves, let us try to realize now some of their yearnings and never forget them at the Holy Water font.

When sprinkling Holy Water for your departed loved ones, your friends, etc., do not forget the priests, esppecially those of your own parish, who have served you so faithfully and brought you closer to God, through the sacraments and holy masses, etc. In gratitude, you should give them sprinklings of Holy Water several times daily and have masses offered up for the repose of their souls.

Sprinkle a few drops of Holy Water and pray fervently:

"O God, in your Mercy multiply these drops into as many drops of Holy Water as there are Souls in Purgatory, and allow them not to feel the pains of Purgatory, as long as the moisture of Holy Water is present."

You are encourage to install Holy Water fonts in your Homes and give everyone an opportunity to bless themselves. Whenever the faithful make the Sign of the Cross devoutly with Holy Water and pray “in the Name of the Father…” they gain a partial indulgence.
my sentiments exactly.

If I spill holy water then I do attribute it to the Holy Souls too.
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