What Do You Do When Someone Takes God's Name in Vain?

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Are we obligated to correct a Christian when he uses God’s name in vain? My classmates and teachers often say God’s name in vain. Sometimes I correct them, but sometimes it feels really uncomfortable. Is not correcting them grave matter?
Are we obligated to correct a Christian when he uses God’s name in vain? My classmates and teachers often say God’s name in vain. Sometimes I correct them, but sometimes it feels really uncomfortable. Is not correcting them grave matter?
I’m curious as to how you know the person doing that is a Christian?
We go to religion classes together and I see them at chruch sometimes. But I’m not sure that all of my teachers are Christians.
We go to religion classes together and I see them at chruch sometimes. But I’m not sure that all of my teachers are Christians.
Also it depends what you mean by taking the Lord’s name in vain.
For example, if someone trips and bangs their leg and suddenly from their mouth comes oh my God, that is not sinful.
I agree, but it isn’t accidentally at this point. I hear them say it all the time. I corrected some of them but it doesn’t seem like they are trying not to say it.
Thank you! I will try to correct them, but if I don’t, would that be a mortal sin?
It is definetly a sin because it mostly uses God’s name in an empty way. Some people say it is mortal so I want to know why it is mortal.
It is definetly a sin because it mostly uses God’s name in an empty way. Some people say it is mortal so I want to know why it is mortal.
No. In the example I gave earlier that would not be sinful.
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Thank you for your answer, but what I meant to ask is why it is grave matter. I’ve always thought (until a few months ago) that you are breaking the second commandent seriously when you are swearing to God
Yes, but my question was why it is a mortal sin if you choose to do it on purpose and with full knowledge. And are we obligated to correct them.
When considering whether to fraternally correct someone for a perceived sin, you should ask yourself a few questions.
  1. What is my relationship to this person? Are we peers? Do I have authority over him in some way?
  2. What is this person’s disposition at the moment? Will he be open to correction or will he spurn me for trying?
  3. What is the gravity of the sin? Can I be sure of the nature of the sin by its outward appearances? Will I need to inquire further to ascertain whether this is actually evil being done?
  4. If I take a chance and reach out to this person today, what are the chances he will stop for good? If I say nothing, will the sin grow and become worse?
  5. Are there other Christians I can convince to be on my side if he refuses to listen? How far do I want to take this?
Mt 18:15-20 is instructive here. It is possible for you to be culpable of sin by silent consent, but you should prudentially consider some of the points I have offered before you overstep a relationship boundary.

Edit: I have learned from experience that you do not make a good start by correcting someone in public, e.g. in front of his friends. You get him in private and discreetly have your conversation. Things go much differently when you try this.
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Thank you so much for this. I will have this on my mind in the future.
I have heard of the sin by silent consent, but I supposed that I’m not commiting it because we aren’t really close, and they would probably say that I’m insane for believing that is a mortal sin (+ im scrupulous). But i knew that some people say that saying OMG is a mortal sin but some say it isn’t.
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Also it depends what you mean by taking the Lord’s name in vain.
For example, if someone trips and bangs their leg and suddenly from their mouth comes oh my God, that is not sinful.
Using sacred names or sacred terms in a careless way is venially sinful.
Not necessarily.
If the person endeavors not to commit venial sin, then it is true that any venial sins committed won’t harden the heart, because the person uses those occasions to repent and grow in love.

But if a person commits venial sins without any intention of stopping in the future, then it will definitely harden the heart and make the person increasingly vulnerable to committing a mortal sin.
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I also think it is venially sinful, but there are some very good priests who believe that it is mortally sinful.
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