What do you do when you really need to know God's will?

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When prayer is not revealing anything to you, what do you do to discern His will? Do you go to adoration? Fast? Cry and hope that the Father will take pity on you?
There was a rather desperate situation in my home for which I needed an answer rather quickly from God. I recalled examples of fasting in scripture for these matters, so I decided to try a three-day fast of water only, coupled with ardent prayer. My family was not aware, since my husband was out of town that weekend.

I was blessed to receive the answer on the third day in a rather unexpected way, for an individual called me on the phone and gave me the information I was in need of. Praise be to God.

However, I must say that by the third day, I was extremely weak from the lack of food, and anyone who has health problems should not attempt it for a period this long. A friend of mine went on a one-day water fast every Friday to obtain deliverance from alcoholism for her husband. He was eventually delivered and experienced a true conversion to the Lord.

Pray first to discern if and how the Lord would have you undergo this spiritual discipline.
There was a rather desperate situation in my home for which I needed an answer rather quickly from God. I recalled examples of fasting in scripture for these matters, so I decided to try a three-day fast of water only, coupled with ardent prayer. My family was not aware, since my husband was out of town that weekend.

I was blessed to receive the answer on the third day in a rather unexpected way, for an individual called me on the phone and gave me the information I was in need of. Praise be to God.

However, I must say that by the third day, I was extremely weak from the lack of food, and anyone who has health problems should not attempt it for a period this long. A friend of mine went on a one-day water fast every Friday to obtain deliverance from alcoholism for her husband. He was eventually delivered and experienced a true conversion to the Lord.

Pray first to discern if and how the Lord would have you undergo this spiritual discipline.
Wow! That’s such a powerful witness! Thanks for the practical advice, too (about whether or not it is safe). Joysong, your witness has edified my faith. Thank you so much. :blessyou:
However, I must say that by the third day, I was extremely weak from the lack of food, and anyone who has health problems should not attempt it for a period this long. A friend of mine went on a one-day water fast every Friday to obtain deliverance from alcoholism for her husband. He was eventually delivered and experienced a true conversion to the Lord.
One generally should consult their priest or spiritual advisor before attempting any kind of corporal mortification or extreme fasting.

Pray, pray, pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring you the gift of knowledge and discernment. Ask Hime also to use all around you to help reveal His will.
If you really want to know Gods will for you in your life the most important thing you can do to know it is to read your bible.Fill yourself with the Word of God and I promise you you will find your answer.God gives us the answer when we come and seek Him. Come to me all of you who are thirsty and I will give you drink. What is this Drink that flows? Its the living water that flows from His Word. 😉 God Bless
Persevere in prayer. I’m currently in the midst of this and i know in my heart that God will lead you if you will allow Him, in His time not ours. Spend as much time as you can in the Blessed Sacrament and attend Mass whenever possible.
Persevere in prayer. … Spend as much time as you can in the Blessed Sacrament and attend Mass whenever possible.
Yes - this is wonderful advice. I have found God has revealed much to me in the quiet of Adoration and mass. Devote special time just to God - close your bedroom door or wherever you can escape and just spend time with Him.
Prayer, prayer, prayer.
Nine times out of ten, your answer will be in the Commandments or the Beatitudes.

If you really want to know Gods will for you in your life the most important thing you can do to know it is to read your bible…
What is that chapter and verse? When did Jesus say to read the bible? Can you read the Joseph Smith Translation or New World Testement and still get the same answer from the book? What about the billions of people in the world who can’t read? Do you have to read the bible to be saved?:hmmm:

God Bless,
When prayer is not revealing anything to you, what do you do to discern His will? Do you go to adoration? Fast? Cry and hope that the Father will take pity on you?
Dear friend

I can see from your post you are desperate to know God’s will in respect of a certain aspect of your life.

Sometimes perseverence is required in prayer. But we must also remember we cannot ‘nag’ God into doing our will, it is His will that is the right option for us.

Patience is everything and trust that He will answer your prayers.

Dear friend, if you want to know God’s will, you ask Him for His will to be made known to you and then you wait.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

What is that chapter and verse? When did Jesus say to read the bible? Can you read the Joseph Smith Translation or New World Testement and still get the same answer from the book? What about the billions of people in the world who can’t read? Do you have to read the bible to be saved?:hmmm:

God Bless,
Hi Malachi. Do you know Gods will in your Life? Just curious :confused: God Bless
Hi Malachi. Do you know Gods will in your Life? Just curious :confused: God Bless
Answer the question from malachi, and what is God’s will in your life and how did you find out??
Peace and Love

I would add only this, by mouth (not in silence but spoken ) in prayer accept Christ has your Savoir ,his word , his death, and his resurection.
Know in your heart His Word Is Truth ,Be Faithful,and your prayers will be answered.

Mummybee :

If you really want to know Gods will for you in your life the most important thing you can do to know it is to read your bible.Fill yourself with the Word of God and I promise you you will find your answer.God gives us the answer when we come and seek Him. Come to me all of you who are thirsty and I will give you drink. What is this Drink that flows? Its the living water that flows from His Word. 😉 God Bless
Answer the question from malachi, and what is God’s will in your life and how did you find out??
Peace and Love
Hi Cy,You will never know Gods will without knowing what He says. Thats why you need to read the Word of God. There is so much written in the Word,but one of my favorites are the book of proverbs,where we can gain so much Godly wisdom and understanding. The book of psalms is another where you can really get to know Gods Heart… :confused: God Bless
Hi Cy,You will never know Gods will without knowing what He says. Thats why you need to read the Word of God. There is so much written in the Word,but one of my favorites are the book of proverbs,where we can gain so much Godly wisdom and understanding. The book of psalms is another where you can really get to know Gods Heart… :confused: God Bless
You’ll find your way.
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