I don’t know why but I have a real hard time with Mass on TV, rosary on CD etc. as if I am paying other people to pray for me. Of course when the event was recorded they were praying for themselves of course, it was real prayer for them, but it does not feel like real prayer for me. If I were homebound watching the Mass for shut-ins (which is how televised Masses began) I would try to dress, act and prepare myself as if I were attending Mass in church. For a long time it has been nearly impossible for me to participate in a meaningful way in any group devotion outside of Mass or Liturgy of the Hours (which are the public, communal prayer of the Church). Rosary or chaplet recited at top speed by a large group is not any kind of prayer for me. I participate when it is a duty, such as at the funeral home, but I need to spend my prayer time (which I have to fight for) in ways that I can really pray, mainly lectio divina. Tried playing rosary CD when I drive but I can’t drive safely if I am really praying, so I play lively Christian music to stay awake. Rosary is for my morning walk, when it becomes a real meditation on the life of Jesus.