What do you do while watching Mass or another holy event on TV?

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It feels really weird to be just sitting there in your pajamas, eating cereal and watching Mass on TV on EWTN. It feels weird talking during it too.

Is that wrong?

What do you do?

What are you supposed to do? (besides pray along and think about the homily and stuff)

I know what you mean about it feeling weird, I’ve been there myself. I think the reason it feels weird to be sitting there in your pjs and eating cereal while it’s on is because it should not be treated as entertainment; you wouldn’t eat cereal while at Mass at a church, and if you have the Mass on TV in your home I think that makes your home a church while it’s on. Now mind, I’m not scolding you. I’ve done it myself. But it is the Mass and should be treated as such, no matter where it’s coming from. You don’t have to get dressed, but the Lord sees your attitude about it. It and other “holy events” such as the rosary, benediction, chaplets, and things like that should be treated like the worship events they are. If you can’t my pastor says to turn it off; that’s what he does. Then you won’t have any guilty feelings to deal with. Programs like dramatizations or other non-worship programs you can do whatever you want.

EWTN is a really big blessing to have. So many Catholics would give their right arms to have it.

Hope this helps. Keep on kloving the Lord.
I don’t have cable so this doesn’t happen to me very often, but one time a Mass was on a major network when I was up late and eating popcorn and in my jammies, so I changed the station because I didn’t feel right eating my corn and watching the Mass. I didn’t feel I was showing any reverence while munching and that didn’t feel right to me. It felt quite odd, actually! I prefer Mass in person anyway, of course!! 🙂
I don’t know why but I have a real hard time with Mass on TV, rosary on CD etc. as if I am paying other people to pray for me. Of course when the event was recorded they were praying for themselves of course, it was real prayer for them, but it does not feel like real prayer for me. If I were homebound watching the Mass for shut-ins (which is how televised Masses began) I would try to dress, act and prepare myself as if I were attending Mass in church. For a long time it has been nearly impossible for me to participate in a meaningful way in any group devotion outside of Mass or Liturgy of the Hours (which are the public, communal prayer of the Church). Rosary or chaplet recited at top speed by a large group is not any kind of prayer for me. I participate when it is a duty, such as at the funeral home, but I need to spend my prayer time (which I have to fight for) in ways that I can really pray, mainly lectio divina. Tried playing rosary CD when I drive but I can’t drive safely if I am really praying, so I play lively Christian music to stay awake. Rosary is for my morning walk, when it becomes a real meditation on the life of Jesus.
Thanks for the advice- I hadn’t really thought of “if you have the Mass on TV in your home I think that makes your home a church while it’s on.” It makes sense (I know it doesn’t “count” as Sunday Mass or Holy Day of Obligation Mass). I would usually change the channel after a little while because I felt uncomfortable. Thanks again!
Usually if I’m watching a Mass on tv its either a Papal event or some big thing with the bishops - so I just watch/listen while doing whatever else needs to be done.

The oddest thing I’ve occasionally seen is adoration on tv. To me that is the strangest thing. I’m certainly not going to kneel before my tv (after all, its just a projected image). Generally I just change the channel or turn of the tv.
Think up pro-life teenage things!

I took some crosses to the abortion mill to give to the mothers if the stopped and talked to me.

I make up my own pro-life brochure to hand out at the abortion mill.

What could I have said to the 14 year old girl and her mom this morning to get them to change their mind.

How can I sat up a sonagram station across the street from the abortion mill.

What do you say to 17 year olds who come alone in a taxi.

Do most teenagers approve abortion?

These and other things will keep you busy for 5 years. We need more people like you. God bless you.
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