What do you do with rosaries you don't need?

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I’m a minimalist in progress so I do not want things in our house we don’t use. We each have one or two that is meaningful to us and we use and probably 20 or so we don’t.

They’re the kind you get in the mail or are tucked inside commemorative boxes.

Sitting in the junk drawer seems disrespectful but not as disrespectful as chucking them in the garbage. Our parish has no use for them. Suggestions?
One of the ladies at Church leaves her “extras” in the Adoration Chapel for people to use. That led to another person putting up a note in the Chapel that he repairs them (for free), if they are damaged but repairable.

Typically, there will be 6 or so sets in the chapel for people to use. Some take them with them, replaced by other people’s “extras”.
Give them to the parish office. People are always coming by asking for a rosary.
I take Communion to Catholics in the local nursing home. People give me their “extras” and I give them out to the residents. I also use extras as “prizes” in my CCD classrooms. Lastly I use them when we give out gifts to the homebound of our parish.
If your church has a Mary altar or Adoration chapel, leave them where they can be used and appreciated.
I’ve done this before, because I used to have a bunch of rosaries, and what I did was I gave them to people.
Is there such a thing as unneeded rosaries?? 🤔 Just kidding.

I leave them in all my coat pockets, in my car, in my purse, on my nightstand, on the coffee table.

I see that people leave their extras on the table at the entrance of the church. Other people leave prayer cards.
When we moved into DH’s family home his mom left all her spares behind; which I suppose would be one option, lol. 10 years later we’re still holding onto them plus the ones we get mailed, 2 baptisms, a 1st Communion… DH carries the one he got from the Knights, I was lucky enough to attend the Papal Mass in Philadelphia and that is the Rosary I carry (though I have a spare that hangs in my office at work), DS8 has a Lego Rosary he recieved at 1st Communion, and DD3 has a “diamond” one she claimed out of the baggy of spares. Apparently it’s for princesses. :princess:t2: 😄

That’s enough for us. If we are ever out I’m sure we’ll donate to somewhere and the next year we’ll get a request for money and another Rosary. Sigh.
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We give them to the local funeral home. You’d be amazed at how many people come to a wake or Rosary with no rosary in their pocket. They drape them over the front pew or set of chairs, and people just help themselves. If they keep them, it’s fine.
Some churches I’ve seen have a little box in the vestibule or in the entryway of the church where folks can leave off rosaries they wish to donate and then they either get sent to the missions, or someone who needs one can take one.

I have quite a few, but I keep them because I am touching them to the graves of different saints or saints-in-progress. Then I can use that rosary to “pray with the particular saint”. I just touch each one to one saint so things do not get confused.
Our parish has no use for them.
My parish would always take rosaries. 🙂
Yeah, mine too. I have a hard time understanding a parish that has no use for them. 😳
One of those sturdy cord rosaries could be used for any number of nefarious purposes… maybe in a low-security lockup…
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