What do you know of Loras College?

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Does anyone here know anything about Loras college in Iowa?
Is it a faithful Catholic school?
Need some info.

*Mum:tiphat: *
I live in Iowa and paid a visit to Loras with my daughter 2 years ago. It’s in the town of Dubuque, which is an old river town. Loras is a small college, about 2000 students, I think. They have a beautiful new library which is awesome. The dorms are older and not exactly lovely, but livable. It is mainly a liberal arts college. My daughter is more interested in the health science field so Loras wasn’t a very good fit for her, but we wanted to check it out. She has two friends who go there who just love it. The campus priest is a very good one, Mass attendance has dramatically increased since he came a couple of years ago. I attended Mass and it was very reverent and no wierd stuff. There is a lot of alcohol consumption on campus but I don’t believe it’s much worse than your average college. I have younger kids who I plan on taking there for a visit. I know of another college which is supposed to be very orthodox. Benedictine College in Atchison Kansas. It’s also liberal arts. Good luck in your search.
Check out the Mandatum colleges, where all theology professors have “their bishop’s recognition of their pledge to teach in communion with the magisterium of the Church”. Sounds like a good standard to me!

I am a college student and the Newman Center here is lacking. I feel spiritually starving here. But I am almost done. I would say be careful and investigate the situation well.

God bless,
Thanks to both of you. I will check out the link. We couldn’t find that type of thing. My dh asked one of the professors there and he said their bishop didn’t have them sign it, but that they still teach according to the magesterium. I guess I just think, well if you do, go ahead and sign the thing.

Hope you both have a blessed day.
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