I live in Iowa and paid a visit to Loras with my daughter 2 years ago. It’s in the town of Dubuque, which is an old river town. Loras is a small college, about 2000 students, I think. They have a beautiful new library which is awesome. The dorms are older and not exactly lovely, but livable. It is mainly a liberal arts college. My daughter is more interested in the health science field so Loras wasn’t a very good fit for her, but we wanted to check it out. She has two friends who go there who just love it. The campus priest is a very good one, Mass attendance has dramatically increased since he came a couple of years ago. I attended Mass and it was very reverent and no wierd stuff. There is a lot of alcohol consumption on campus but I don’t believe it’s much worse than your average college. I have younger kids who I plan on taking there for a visit. I know of another college which is supposed to be very orthodox. Benedictine College in Atchison Kansas. It’s also liberal arts. Good luck in your search.