DEAR ABBY: Our daughter, “Brooke,” is nearly 7 and very attached to our family dog, “Tuffy.” Tuffy is 13, deaf, going blind and has difficulty walking. We have spent a fortune keeping Tuffy with us, including tumor removals, but it has reached the point where we don’t want him to suffer anymore. We are considering having him euthanized.
We have discussed what will happen to Tuffy with Brooke. We asked her whether she would like to come with us when we take Tuffy to the vet, or if she’d like to say goodbye and stay with a friend while my wife and I go. She voted for the latter, but in discussing it further she gets very upset.
The alternative is to lie to her and have Tuffy put down while Brooke is at school, and tell her that he passed away during the day. Either way, she will be very sad. All I want is to spare my daughter as much grief as possible. What do you think? – FEELING GUILTY IN SAN JOSE DEAR FEELING GUILTY: First of all, please stop feeling guilty. When a pet can no longer be active and enjoy life, its owner is doing it a favor to give it an easy way out. (Human beings should be so fortunate!) It’s normal for your daughter to be upset at the idea her pet will die, and she should not be present when it is put to sleep. That’s too big a dose of reality for a child her age. While some might not agree with me, I also feel that it would be a kindness not to tell her exactly when you plan to take Tuffy to the vet.
We have discussed what will happen to Tuffy with Brooke. We asked her whether she would like to come with us when we take Tuffy to the vet, or if she’d like to say goodbye and stay with a friend while my wife and I go. She voted for the latter, but in discussing it further she gets very upset.
The alternative is to lie to her and have Tuffy put down while Brooke is at school, and tell her that he passed away during the day. Either way, she will be very sad. All I want is to spare my daughter as much grief as possible. What do you think? – FEELING GUILTY IN SAN JOSE DEAR FEELING GUILTY: First of all, please stop feeling guilty. When a pet can no longer be active and enjoy life, its owner is doing it a favor to give it an easy way out. (Human beings should be so fortunate!) It’s normal for your daughter to be upset at the idea her pet will die, and she should not be present when it is put to sleep. That’s too big a dose of reality for a child her age. While some might not agree with me, I also feel that it would be a kindness not to tell her exactly when you plan to take Tuffy to the vet.