What do you think is the percentage of soul that go to heave/purgatory?

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Since the creation of man, how many souls do you think are there?
While certain passages speak of a great multitude that shall be saved (example: Revelation 7:9 or Lk 13:29), Jesus makes it clear that it is ‘few’ that shall find the gate that leads to eternal life (Matthew 7:14). Therefore, I guessed 20%-40%. I hope it is much higher, but I do not see how over 50% could be considered a ‘few’…and I feel that it may perhaps be well below 20%. Regardless, such speculation is fruitless. We must simply concern ourselves with working out our own salvation (Phil. 2:12), encouraging those around us to do likewise, and spread the Gospel to those who do not know it.

In Christ with Mary, Joseph, and all the Saints and Angels

I would not even dream of voting. that knowledge belongs to God alone and for me to speculate would be futile, presumptuous and arrogant. God established a Church with authority to declare definitely that this individual or that is in heaven (but not who is damned) and even the Church would not make such a pronouncement about all souls. We entrust them to the mercy of God, how much greater faith could we exhibit, and what place or state could be safer than the Divine Mercy?
No vote here, either. Jesus said that the Father had appointed him judge of all men. I don’t recall my name being mentioned in that passage so I consider myself totally unqualified.
geezerbob said:
No vote here, either. Jesus said that the Father had appointed him judge of all men. I don’t recall my name being mentioned in that passage so I consider myself totally unqualified.

👍 Good reply.
No vote here either. We should not judge because we really don’t know what is in the hearts and souls of others - only God knows.

Following Shannin, Bob and Annie, I also have to refrain from voting. We have no way of knowing what is in a person’s mind and soul, especially at the moment of death.

We can only hope that ALL are saved!

“I have no window to look into another man’s soul. I condemn no one.” -Thomas More, A Man for All Seasons
I would hope close to 100%, but many will be lost. I just hope it’s no one I know, and no one I care about.

There are not many who I would consider worthy of such a fate. However I recognize that there is so much evil in the world, and some folks are downright wicked in how they treat others.

I’m reading a book about WWII and the big three, Hitler, Mousolani (sp?) and Stalin were about as wicked as anyone in history. It is amazing the world even survived their reigns of terror.

Each was responsible for the torture and death of thousands if not millions, all three were atheists (although Hitler and Mousolani was bought up Catholic and claimed to be Christian, neither were in practice.) Either one would be prime examples to counter the argument of ‘once saved, always saved’ theory.

The reality of folks like these answers the question of whether Hell exists. Of course it does, when you allow evil to rule through out your life, it will continue to rule thoughout your death as well.

Hell is not empty. No one knows for sure who’s there, but it has more than enough tenants.

Regardless, such speculation is fruitless. We must simply concern ourselves with working out our own salvation (Phil. 2:12), encouraging those around us to do likewise, and spread the Gospel to those who do not know it.
Amen to that. 👍
OK - I voted. But the question was “what do you think”. God did give me a mind so I used it.

That said, it doesn’t matter what I think (except to me and God) but I do know that 100% of those in purgatory will be in Heaven. As for how many will be in a position to get to Heaven…We all have up to and including the moment of death to choose Christ. I pray we all do.

God Bless,
Each was responsible for the torture and death of thousands if not millions, all three were atheists (although Hitler and Mousolani was bought up Catholic and claimed to be Christian, neither were in practice.) Either one would be prime examples to counter the argument of ‘once saved, always saved’ theory.
And Stalin actually entered a seminary to study for the Orthodox priesthood:

“Although his mother wanted (even after he was leader of the Soviet Union) him to be a priest, he attended a seminar not because of any religious vocation but because it was one of the few educational opportunities available as the Tsarist government was wary of establishing a university in Georgia.”

“Stalin’s involvement with the socialist movement (or, to be more exact, the branch of it that would later grow into the communist movement) began at seminary school, from which he was expelled in 1899 after failing to appear at scheduled examinations.”


Mussolini’s early life wasn’t too impressive either:

“By age eight, he was banned from his mother’s church. Benito also had the distinction of being expelled from one school for stabbing a fellow student in the buttocks with a pen knife in 1894. He qualified as an elementary schoolmaster in 1901. In 1902 he emigrated to Switzerland. Unable to find a permanent job there and arrested for vagrancy, he was expelled and returned to Italy to do his military service. After further trouble with the police, he joined the staff of a newspaper in the Austrian town of Trento in 1908. At this time he wrote a novel, subsequently translated into English as The Cardinal’s Mistress.”

WC: A challenge for you: Do you KNOW with certainty that Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were not presented a final choice at death, and may have at that moment of choice not pursued (at long last) the route God chose for them?

I grant you, their habits mitigate most strongly against their choosing God’s route. My point however, is that we cannot know with certainty. Death is truly “The undiscovered country” from which no man has reported back.

We cannot KNOW if hell is populated. Guess? Sure. Place betting odds? If you like. Is the likelihood great? Surely. Do we know for sure? That we cannot do.

And we certainly cannot say with certainty that THIS man or THAT man IS in hell. We cannot see into their souls to know for sure.
WC: A challenge for you: Do you KNOW with certainty that Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were not presented a final choice at death, and may have at that moment of choice not pursued (at long last) the route God chose for them?

I grant you, their habits mitigate most strongly against their choosing God’s route. My point however, is that we cannot know with certainty. Death is truly “The undiscovered country” from which no man has reported back.

We cannot KNOW if hell is populated. Guess? Sure. Place betting odds? If you like. Is the likelihood great? Surely. Do we know for sure? That we cannot do.

And we certainly cannot say with certainty that THIS man or THAT man IS in hell. We cannot see into their souls to know for sure.
No, I don’t know BUT neither did I nor would I say any of them are definitely in Hell.

Personally, I wouldn’t give them a snowballs chance…

We cannot KNOW if hell is populated. Guess? Sure. Place betting odds? If you like. Is the likelihood great? Surely. Do we know for sure? That we cannot do.

And we certainly cannot say with certainty that THIS man or THAT man IS in hell. We cannot see into their souls to know for sure.
Based on what Jesus said in the Gospels, and from visionaries who claim to have seen Hell, I think it is a very highly likely that there are folks in Hell, and probably a whole lot more folks than just a few.

Fine. That is different than a certainty.

Look, in terms of likelihood of a populated hell. I am right with you.
The distribution of the poll results is quite peculiar here, I must say. :confused: It seems to be the very opposite of the typical bell curve you usually get on questions like this one…

I put 40-60% but that is a VERY uneducated guess. I tend to lean toward the direction that there’s more of a chance of people going to hell, in general.
Donna P:
OK - I voted. But the question was “what do you think”. God did give me a mind so I used it.

That said, it doesn’t matter what I think (except to me and God) but I do know that 100% of those in purgatory will be in Heaven. As for how many will be in a position to get to Heaven…We all have up to and including the moment of death to choose Christ. I pray we all do.
Amen to that… lighten up, you guys. 🙂
A few years ago I heard that almost all high school English teachers are in Hell. ( Why? Because they think that they know everything about everything )
The Bible kind of indicates that a third-or-so will be Hell-bound. Revelation 12:4.
I don’t know. But I have recently given it some thought and surprised myself by hoping I would be there (purgatory) to purify my soul and make ready to meet God.
The distribution of the poll results is quite peculiar here, I must say. :confused: It seems to be the very opposite of the typical bell curve you usually get on questions like this one…
yes, very interesting

we seem to have more than our fair share of optimist and pestimist

me? I voted 80-100

most people are OK

sure we have our foibles but most people mean well and try hard

If we lived in a place where 80% or more were hell bound …welll that would be…Hell on Earth :eek:
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