I think it sends a good message and is very Catholic(except that they don’t mention Jesus.)
I watched a couple of episodes and thought it was ok but they had implied that the parents were fallen away Catholics it sort of put me off.I think it sends a good message and is very Catholic(except that they don’t mention Jesus.)
I agree with you, I don’t in any way think it’s a true picture of God, just the way He works in our lives. No He doesn’t actually show up and point the way, but he does put people and curcumstances in our path(and He did walk the earth). They don’t pray, but how many people out there really are(ourselves aside!)? They may start showing more prayer etc. but its a big enough leap for people to watch such a Godly show and they may be afraid to really get to preachy.I find their notion of God very disturbing. God is presented as Hollywood wants people to see God.
How many people are seen praying in the show? very few if any.
How often do people worship? We see no worship in the show.
Yeh, I figured that might be what you were thinking of (people who aren’t aware of Jesus being God, that is).Veronica,
I agree, and your right about God being Jesus, I was more thinking of those who aren’t aware of that. I think the show should really get people thinking. I’m very glad it made it on to prime time and hope it stays.
I like it. In fact it’s on in a few minutes. 8PM ESTI’m a fan, it beats “friends”.
Good thing that there’s reruns of Joan of Arcadia… I missed it last night… and a rerun of the **Princess Bride **I love it. In fact, I am watching it as we ‘speak’. Judy
I hate to just add I agree with all that you say, but I do! even some of my CCD students love it! If It’s getting to the kids…:clapping:I’m surprised to read these posts that talk about it not being a good premise for a show. I try never to miss it!! It’s a really GREAT show because:
(you want me to do WHAT!?)
- the point that I see in the show is that God gives us messages on specifically what to do in our daily life
- Joan ALWAYS obeys God, doing what He tells her to do
- even though she doesn’t figure that whatever it is that week that He’s asking her to do makes any kind of sense… and often it appears to her that this thing that He’s asking her to do is exactly the opposite of what to her would be the thing to do
Joan often pushes back when God asks her to do that thing…which is very much what I do in my life
(You’ve got to be kidding, right!??)
I think it’s a great gift for us to have a show like this on TV!
- Each week’s dilemma is very right on to what happens in our own lives. No contrived scenarios… just real life! And real characters.
- All topics (including pre-marital sex) are handled according to what the Church teaches… without being preachy
- we all find out why He’s asked her to do that thing once she’s done it, even though she encounters obstacles in doing it
- I haven’t seen any episode for which the outcomes of each episode were not for the good of all. For example, there’s one episode that unbeknownst to Joan someone is on the verge of finally attempting suicide. So, when God asked her to befriend that person and she obeyed, the outcome was that person got pulled back from committing suicide at the very last minute. This sounds trite as I write this post… but you gotta see the episode to see what I mean.
- During each episode, God drops in on Joan at different times - especially the times when things aren’t going according to how Joan figures they should go and she gets to talk to Him about it, grousing and gritching. God reminds her that this IS what He’s asked her to do, and encourages her STILL without telling her WHY He’s asking her to do that thing
- Joan, even though she’s still perplexed but now is encouraged, chooses AGAIN to do what that same thing is that God has asked her to do
- The family is not like the Cosby Show family. These folks ARE imperfect. In important ways. Like me.
Whether Jesus Himself is mentioned in this TV show is pretty much beside the point because Jesus IS God and that character of God is, well, God.
Last year it got the People’s Choice Award for the Best New Show. When the actor who plays Joan’s father accepted the award on behalf of the cast and crew, among the comments he made accepting the award was that he and the people at the show hope that whatever they do with the show is not ever profane.
Good for HIM!! Great witness!!
:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
:bounce: :bible1:I hate to just add I agree with all that you say, but I do! even some of my CCD students love it! If It’s getting to the kids…:clapping:
Hmmm… I wonder what particular way that God is “disguised” on this show do each of us find to be the:I personally love the fact that God shows up in
Joan’s life in various and wonderous ways, and disguised as the most unlikely of people.
I hope this show stays on the air for a long time.