What do you think of this? Help

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I think you’re wasting time with GotQuestions dot org because they’re notoriously anti-Catholic and anti-reason.
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I didn’t watch all of it (the OP video). There was at least one error in what he said in the first 2-3 minutes.
  • ‘Catholic worship or veneration of Mary’. We don’t worship Mary
  • That Catholicism is based on both the Bible and Tradition and doctrine: I think he blurs the line by implying that tradition is the same as doctrine. Doctrine is an essential teaching and is immutable. Tradition can be changed. It’s a tradition that priests don’t marry, but it’s not a doctrine.
He makes many errors in both what scripture teaches and what the Church teaches.
He misrepresents our beliefs. He forgets things as Jesus parable >
Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink a stranger and you gave me no welcome, naked and you gave me no clothing, ill and in prison, and you did not care for me.’
And they ignore that Jesus did not say write about me but go and Preach. They forget that the New Testament was not available until the Church decided what was inspired.
It is lame to say that the Holy Spirit will interpret for a true believer as Scripture says otherwise Act Chap 8:31 his own video shows that he is wrong otherwise he would not need a video to show differences as we all would be the same. You cannot dispute with them as they need a change of heart pray for them.
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The way you interpret the Bible is your oral tradition. So everyone has an oral tradition whether they want to admit it or not.

Notice when he talks about proper interpretation of the Bible he only states what each side believes. Proper interpretation would be considered a rule of faith. So why didn’t he say Catholics “Oral Tradition” claims only the Catholic Church can properly interpret the Bible, where as scripture actually teaches RIGHT HERE IN THE BIBLE that the Holy Spirit indwells all born again believes to properly understand the message of the Bible. He didn’t because the Bible actually teaches the exact opposite. Peter, talking to born again believers, tells us that Paul’s letters are hard to understand he never once tells us it’s an easy message to understand.

I stopped there. Got questions is a waste of time and brain cells.

God Bless
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