I’m a somewhat recent convert of only 2 years to the Catholic faith and as of the past few days I’ve been stricken with nearly crippling scrupulosity and dread/fear of the lord after learning more about the requirements for salvation. This has been brought on mainly by bible verses such as the one about the road being narrow and the one about how even those who say lord lord will not be let in. In addition to this all the things that saints have said about how the elect should be few and they we should be in constant fear. Now that the background is out of the way my question is how is it possible to live a somewhat normal catholic life. Your faith is proven in your works but you can always go farther. Does god expect everyone to completely abandon their lives and become monks? Can we be parts of American society and still be saved? Is a layperson not going to be asked why did they work if money is evil or why buy a house if you need to be completely separated from worldly possessions is your faith real if your weren’t faithful enough to sell everything you own? As a Catholic what does my daily life look like can I have hobbies or watch TV or should literally every waking second of every day be dedicated to prayer and study. Am I lacking faith in gods mercy because it feel like the fact that we have any chance at salvation at all is more mercy than we can possibly imagine but it seems with the standards set by the lord only .0000000001% of Catholics are actually going to make it. Should I not worry about it and just have faith that Christ will guide me in the right direction and if he does what if I deny his directions without even realizing. I know these are just a bunch of ramblings that no one on earth has answers too so I was just wondering what do you guys recommend people do with their days if they don’t feel strong enough to become a priest. Also if anyone knows of any part of the bible or writings of saints that talk about our salvation in a positive light I’d really appreciate it.