What does it mean to be Catholic?

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To be Catholic means to be united to the Body of Christ, the Son of God, in the closest way possible on this earth.

To be Catholic means to be united to all followers of Christ around the world, and throughout the ages - with Christ’s followers who are now in Purgatory or Heaven. We can unite our sufferings to Christ’s for their benefit, and we can share in the benefits gained in Christ by His many faithful.

To be Catholic means to have access to trustworthy and accurate understanding of the message of salvation, without deviation. This can bring great peace to our souls in this world of clamor, doubt and confusion.

To be Catholic means to have access to sacraments which impart grace in ways we can see, touch and feel, and not just wish or imagine.
I try very hard to never parrot a post from someone else. But in this case I will make an exception. Grayton’s post is exceptionally good and insightful. Just tremendous.

I’ve learned lately that being Catholic also gives you the opportunity to put Jesus’ love into action. You can do pro-life, help the homeless, care for the sick and infirmed, be a minister to the troubled and many other corporal and spirtual works of mercy.

Thanks for your question.
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