What does it mean to be human?

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Reminds me of the joke:

Humans have become so technically evolved that they can now make a living, breathing person. A summit of scientists believed that because they now had the power to create life, God was no longer needed. So they all decided that someone should go and tell God this. One man volunteered to go. One day he climbed a mountain and called upon God. “God! We humans now have the ability to bring people from the dead, we can create our own life, we don’t need you anymore so you can leave us alone.” God listened to the scientist and nodded his head. “Okay, I’ll tell you what, if you can really create life, let’s have a competition, if you can create a better person than me, I’ll go, but we’ll have to do it the way I did it in the old days.” So the scientist agrees and begins to collect some dirt to make his person. God simply watches him and finally asks him what he’s doing. “I’m using the dirt to make a person.” God smiles, looks at the scientist and replies, “Go make your own dirt.”
Singer and his ilk are not even consistant in applying their personhood theory. A human fetus is at least as sentient as an animal, but he claims it is not and is therefore not a person. I don’t agree with his criteria, but even if it was correct, he doesn’t even take into account the reality that a fetus moves purposefully, learns, dreams, and is a person according to his own definition.
I know I’m human but I think Singer, and others like him, regard themselves as animals. Or maybe it’s that they regard animals as human?

So far the ‘debate’ has been on determining who is or is not a person. I think Christians should go on the attack (instead of waiting and being on the defensive) and define humanity.
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