What does it mean to trust God?

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To trust God, is to believe that His life of unconditional love is the only way to live, and sincerely make an effort to live it. This means that we must have absolute trust, that through love we can overcome all obstacles. We must believe that love can break all barriers and change human hearts. To believe in him is also to have absolute trust in his love, mercy and wisdom. To believe in Him therefore, is not a feeling or an emotion or mere recognition that God is Lord of our life (because even the devil knows that); rather, it is a combination of conviction and action. If we recognize that we are sinners and accept God’s help by trusting his decisions, then even if our faith in Him is as small as a mustard seed, He can help us to make it mighty enough to move mountains.

Sometimes, everything seems to go wrong in our life. We pray, but it seems like it does not make a difference. In fact, it seems like, as we intensify our prayer, our problems increase. We feel that even God has abandoned us, or does not seem to care. As our problems increase, our prayers seem to become lifeless, and we cease to feel the presence of God. But we must not give up, and continue to pray, because, God will never abandon us. In fact, God is always working on our problems; even those we are not yet aware of. We must believe, that in the end, with God’s help everything will turn out good.

Many people lose faith in God when they see evil and natural disasters in the World. They feel that, if God is really present or really loves us, He will not allow evil. This feeling becomes even stronger, when they see children and innocent people suffer.However, it is not God, but our selfishness, that produces evil in the world. Even natural disasters, which some people erroneously refer to as “acts of God”, are result of our selfishness. Since we have dominion over the World, our acts affect the balance in nature. So that when our acts go against nature, the balance in nature is disturbed to produce natural disasters and diseases. Similarly, our evil acts directly affect others and cause them hurt. The hurt that evil produces affects everyone; including those who live holy lives. God allows evil, because, He has given us free will; which is essential, in order for us to exercise unconditional love. If we did not have free will, we will never be able to love others unconditionally, because, to love is a choice, and every choice needs a free will. God wants us to have love, because he wants us to be one with him and share his life, which is love. In addition, he wants us to live a life of love, because, he wants us to have peace and joy.

We should not worry if there is a waiting period, when nothing seems to happen. We may even have periods, when it seems like we have absolutely no contact with God, like we are in total darkness. God allows such periods of total darkness, because, he wants us to mature into trusting him completely, even when there is total darkness. Such periods therefore, are the most fertile periods in the life of our soul. In addition, they make us humble, by making us realize our dependence on God. Our humility then allows God to work through us; because, when we are humble we tend to surrender to God’s will. This is why God’s greatest works are always done through humble people. Humility also enables us to appreciate God’s good deeds for us. This brings us joy.

We should not get anxious about the results of our works, because, if our works are truly good, they are God’s work, and not ours. The results of our works may be a total failure in the eyes of the World, and may not become evident in our lifetime. However, our fulfillment comes from accepting God’s will and letting him work through us; and not from what people think about our works.

To trust God, we must know him. To know him, we must open to our heart him by staying quiet and listening to his voice in the depth of our heart. We must remove every thought of hate, greed, lust, jealousy and revenge from our heart, and let only the thoughts of unconditional love permeate our spirit. We must keep in mind that because of his infinite love for us, Jesus went through the most horrifying suffering in the process of giving us his life. We must therefore, treasure his love deep in our heart, cling to it (by living it) and never doubt it. If we accept it, we will hear his voice and will be filled with his peace.
thank-you so much for your post!
that is the most awesome,inspiring thing i have read in a really long time.(besides the bible and catechism which i read daily) . i am going through a difficult time right now and what you have written is very helpful. God bless you and thanks again
Dear friend

Did you write this? If it was you or whoever wrote this, it is beautiful and I am deeply moved by it.

Thank you very much for posting this.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

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