What does it mean when something is blessed?

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I’ve struggled with this for quite a while, have tried to read about it on New Advent and a few other sites, but I am still confused.
What exactly does it ‘mean’ when we have something blessed - like a rosary or crucifix. My priest told me it makes it ‘holy’ (which I knew), but what EXACTLY does that mean? In our parish we have a yearly blessing of all sorts of things - motorcycles, cars, new homes, etc. What does ‘blessing’ these things ‘do’ for them or the people who own them? A non-Catholic friend of mine asked me this, and I told her I didn’t understand it fully, but would get back to her (using the good advice of John Martignoni from the Bible Christian Society 🙂 )
Thank you!
Rosaries, Crucifixs, Icons Are What We Call Sacrementals. There Basically Instruments That God Uses To Inspire Faith. To Help Focus Are Faith And Allow Grace To Enter.

When A Priest Bless’s A Car, Hes Basically Setting That Object Apart For God’s Purposes. Thats What It Means To Make Something Holy. So If He Blesses Your Car, And As You Let That Reality Sink In , It Could Inspire You To Use Your Car To Pick Up People Who Need A Ride, Or Perhaps Carry Food To Starving Children.

Of Course Praying Over Your Sick Dog To Get Well, Is A Different Sort Of Blessing. Thats A More Direct Act Of Faith By The Priest And Yourself.

So Basically A Blessing Is Twofold, It Can Be Use To Bless An Object To Become An Instrument Of Inspiring Faith Or Focusing Faith And Allowing Grace To Enter, Though Its Not Something That Brings Grace In Itself Like The Sacraments.

And Two A Blessing Can Be A Prayer Of Faith For Protection Or Healing For A Person.
Why does it need a blessing to become an instrument of faith? Do I not have that with a rosary or crucifix already - how does blessing it make it ‘more of an instrument’? Does the prayer of the priest somehow assist me when I use that object? I’m sorry I’m so confused on this…please be patient with me!
I hope I can help. I have recently been getting not only my house, but a lot of religious artwork and sacramentals blessed.

I refer you to the definition provided by “The Essential Catholic Handbook.”

“blessing: Placing a person or object under the care of God or dedicating a person or thing to the service of God. A simple blessing is usually made with the sign of the cross, sometimes accompanied by sprinkling holy water. The Church also has a large number of specific blessings for various times and occasions” p. 148

Basically, a blessing is callings God’s favor upon someone or something. If you listen to the words of a blessing, the priest says something to the effect, “…let all who look upon this object be blessed (or find favor) with God, let this object lead whoever looks upon it to greater union with Christ…” etc.

I also refer you to the gospels, where Jesus instructed the apostles to enter homes, and bless the people inside. If a peaceful person lived there, the blessing would fall upon the home/person. But if the person was not a peaceful person, the blessing would return to the one who sent it out.

The priest, by blessing either a person or an object, is actually calling upon the grace of God to the assistance not only of the person asking for the blessing but for anyone who comes into contact with the blessed person or object to themselves experience God’s grace.

An example…I recently asked a priest at my church to bless my dog and I for work we were about to start at a nearby nursing home. So he came and blessed my house (it actually felt CLEAN afterwords–no way to explain this) and he blessed my dog. He asked, during his blessing, that we bring healing to all those we minister to and bring God’s grace upon them. He annointed my hands as a symbol of God’s use of my hands in a healing ministry, etc. This was not so much for me, but the people that I meet, that they experience God’s wonderful healing grace.

I have to say that after Father left, I not only felt blessed, but COMMISSIONED.

It can be very simple, it can be very powerful.

Does that clear anything up? Basically, a blessing is meant to reflect back to the person, always, in communion with God’s will.
How do you bless a person? I was reading the Bible and came to a part that stated if someone curses at you, Bless them.

Are nonpriests allowed to do this?
How do you bless a person? I was reading the Bible and came to a part that stated if someone curses at you, Bless them.

Are nonpriests allowed to do this?
Well, how about the most common way of all, “God bless you.”😃
I hope I can help. I have recently been getting not only my house, but a lot of religious artwork and sacramentals blessed…Does that clear anything up? Basically, a blessing is meant to reflect back to the person, always, in communion with God’s will.
Wow - this helps a lot! Thank you.

A couple more questions

Does it have to be a priest that blesses my rosary, for example, or can I do it?

If I say ‘God Bless You’ to someone, is this the same as a priest blessing someone?
Wow - this helps a lot! Thank you.

A couple more questions

Does it have to be a priest that blesses my rosary, for example, or can I do it?

If I say ‘God Bless You’ to someone, is this the same as a priest blessing someone?
Only an ordained priest has the authority to bless a person or an object.

Now, keep in mind that a mother can bless her children with holy water (sprinkle with water and trace the sign of the cross with her thumb on their foreheads).

Otherwise, to have something blessed, simply take it to your priest and ask him to bless whatever object you have. Then listen to the words he says during his blessing. This may be the best way for you to learn.

Also for a home blessing, the priest comes to your house and he actually says a prayer of exorcism, asks that all who enter experience God’s blessing and the inhabitants of the home experience God’s blessings, etc. Then you will likely say the Our Father and Hail Mary with him or whatever other prayers he may prompt.

Anyway, getting back to your original question, no you cannot bless your own rosary.
(or whatever object)
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