What does my friend need to do to be Confirmed and receive First Communion?

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My friend wants to be fully initiated in the Church. She has received Baptism in the Catholic Church, but never went through First Communion preparation and she was never confirmed.

I told her that she should talk to a local parish and she would have to go through RCIA. She asked how long it would take, but I wasn’t sure.

Also, I am somewhat concerned with a lot of RCIA programs. I have heard stories of some not so orthodox RCIA programs, and I want her to be strongly educated in the faith.

I am so excited for her, but she doesn’t know how to start. What should I tell her?
She should contact her closest parish and ask about RCIA. How long it takes depends on her needs and the way the RCIA program is organized. Keep in mind that RCIA is NOT just catechesis, and what she learns is only the start of her lifelong formation.
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