What does SSPX and FFSP mean?

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SSPX Society of Saint Pius X

FFSP -Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri

Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in English
Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (FSSP)–Priestly Fraternity of St.Peter

Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)–Sedevacantist Society 😦
dumspirospero said:
Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri (FSSP)–Priestly Fraternity of St.Peter

Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)–Sedevacantist Society 😦

Yay for the FSSP! 😃

Where do you go when all your bishops say no?
Well you can always go…DEN-TON
They tore our high altars down, so let’s get out of this town
And instead go to…DEN-TON
Just listen to the Bishop chanting Dominus Vobiscum!
If ya know some Latin maybe you can chant it with him!
How can we lose? The faith is much stronger there, you can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares!
Come to DEN-TON where all the doctrine’s right!
DEN-TON, looks like we’ll be alright!
DEN-TON, forget the “Spirit of Vatican Twooowoo”

– Ok, ok, I know the Bishop actually chants “Pax Vobis” but “Dominus Vobiscum” fits in the song –
dumspirospero said:
Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)–Sedevacantist Society 😦

I could be wrong on this, but I thought SSPV was the sedevacanist group, and SSPX was the “we’re in communion with the Holy Father even though our founder feels that he isn’t bound to obey him” group.
Catholic nerd–
I loved the “Downtown” parody!

More, more! :clapping:
Tim - you are correct.

FFSP - approved by Rome, acknowledges Pope and Vatican II

SSPX - not approved by Rome, claim to accept the Papacy but pick and choose what they follow -

SSPV - not approved by Rome and are sedevacants -
Dear Timidity:

You are correct.

SSPX is more of the schismatic type, although many are attracted to the group because it celebrates solely the Tridentine Mass. I believe the group considers our Novus Ordo as “heretical.”

Recently, they ordained women Bishops which more or less “confirmed” their schism despite “pledging” allegiance and loyalty to the Pope.

The Society of St. John Vianney in Campos, Brazil, was an SSPX affiliate but the entire group (clergy and laity and their chapels/churches) rejoined communion with the Catholic Church about 2 or 3 years ago.

SSPV, or the “Society of St. Pius V,” is sedevacantist.

The group elected their own Pope and named him “Pope Pius XIII” because to them the last “legitimate” occupant of Peter’s throne was Pope Pius XII. Popes Paul VI, John XXIII, John Paul I, and John Paul II are “illegimate” or were invalidly elected Popes.

I think Mel Gibson’s father, Hutton Gibson, is alleged to be an ardent supporter of this group or actually a member thereof.
Recently, they ordained women Bishops which more or less “confirmed” their schism despite “pledging” allegiance and loyalty to the Pope
Whoa - I’d like some documentation on this - I find that really hard to believe. The SSPX may be in schism but I can’t believe they would condone a woman priest let alone a bishop. I think you may be mistaken on this count.

Re: Gibsons father, he is a sedevacant but Mel is not.
Dear Timidity:

Recently, they ordained women Bishops which more or less “confirmed” their schism despite “pledging” allegiance and loyalty to the Pope.
What are you talking about ? :confused:
Yes, I was the one confused!

Inadvertently, I was referring to the recent ordinations of women Bishops in the Anglican Church and in the Methodist Church.

Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

P.S. But I did not tag Mel Gibson as sedevacantist. Only Hutton Gibson, his father.
P.S. But I did not tag Mel Gibson as sedevacantist. Only Hutton Gibson, his father.

I realized that but I notice every time someone says that, certain folks like to jump in and say that Mel is one also.

Thanks for responding and clearing both issues up:)
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