What does the church say about daylights savings is it alright not to like it?
It at least has to remind people of the time change. Otherwise, everyone will arrive to Mass at the wrong time.why would you expect the Church to say anything about daylight savings time?
“Remember to set your clocks forward on Saturday when you go to bed so you won’t be late for Sunday Mass”What does the church say about daylights savings is it alright not to like it?
As some said at the time, “There is God’s time, and then there is Mr. Roosevelt’s time.”Daylight savings time is just an expression of the practice of standardizing clock times, which was done originally in the U.S. to standardize train schedules.
Umm… “don’t forget to change your clocks”…?What does the church say about daylights savings
And the hour saved can be considered a gift, when in the fall, you arrive one hour earlier for mass.When Daylight saves Time, it counts as a temporal act of mercy.
And I can guarantee you at least one person showed up at the wrong time as a result.“has” to ? my priest said nothing about it